sweating and counting 100, 200,300, 400

braden walden (??) 2.0 of peaches will now be known as peach pit.  not listed above


15 men inculding 3 (2.0s) got after it in the very warm gloom



Mosey, Butt kickers, around the play ground to the who tree 

  • SSH  X 20
  • Wind Mills X 10
  • IST X 15
  • Cotton Picker X 10
  • Slow Squat X 15
  • The burpee X1

 Move to rock pile via backwards Indian run up Hugh Torrance pkwy partner up one partner grab a nice rock

Partner 2 runs 2 laps around the traffic circle while partner 1 starts Dora 1,2,3,4 handing off the count

  • ·         100 skull krushers
  • ·         200 shoulder press
  • ·         300 Chest Press
  • ·         400 Curls with Rock

Mosey to queens corner

·        freddy mercury (bicycle) X 15


  • Big baby crunch X20
  • 1 min plank



No matter how often i do the Dora or anything like this i forget how much it sucks until we start doing it.

countryclub is a machine knocking out reps like a mad man.

I am not sure how diehard and ultraman are so quick and running and counting the exercises, because i am so slow at it.  Great work.

Megaphone joined us as we ran back from the recover crew and finished it out with us.

Titan tried to negotiate the 400 curls but I don't negotiate.

I read The Force prayer this morning as i love what it says.

Thanks to everyone in F3 and for everything you bring to the group.

