Sweatshop Hits the Links

Plus Bambi, Rouge, Dora, STP, plus 2 made 21 PAX on a warm and humid night.  Q was slightly dehydrated so videoed the COT to record all the names but somehow only got video of Hipster's face.

PAX split into two groups with Samsung leading 10 to Davidson College and slightly more running and Thorpe leading 11 to Dumc and only slightly less running.  Samsung Q as follows:


In cadence:  30SSH, 15IW, 15MC, 10 MRKs, stretch, then off to play 9 holes of golf F3 style.

The Thang

Mosey across Davidson College campus (grass only, no cartpaths) to putting green aka Hayes Amphitheatre.  Dipsx20IC to tire out arms prior to putting practice.  Mosey to driving range aka CC trail field for Tiny twistsx20IC to loosen up the back prior to the Game.  Mosey to Davidson College golf course hole 1 tee off.  First hole question – home country of current world's no 1 golfer ? – Oh so close but fumbled by Stalker as Ireland instead of Northern Ireland.  First hole punishment as Par 5 run followed by Squatsx20IC.  Second hole question – why 18 holes is standard ? No clue from PAX that 18 shots are in a 5th of Scotch & tradition is a shot a hole.  PAX recommended this approach to improve The Hangover's game.  Second hole punishment as Par 5 run followed by Merkinsx20IC.  Third hole question – birthplace of golf – Scotland – answered correctly by PAX so short Par 3 run followed by LBCx20IC.  Fourth hole question – most famous golfcourse and still ranked in top 10 in world – St Andrews – also answered correct by PAX so short Par 3 followed by StarCrunchesx10IC.  Fifth hole question is blurred in Q memory but another correct answer by PAX so short Par 3 followed by Burpeesx10OYO.  Sorry Hipster.  Sixth hole question – how many clubs in a golf bag – 14 – was asked and answered by STP as Q called an audible so short run back to CC field for HandReleaseMerkinsx10IC.  Seventh hole question – a do over called in golf – mulligan – correctly answered by PAX so short uphill run to Davidson College track.  PAX runs into the track entrance & who do they spy ?  Mr. Miyagi is "nursing a hip injury" and "coaching" two absolutely lovely ladies through a run workout.  Hips must have been on the PAX mind as the eighth hole question was posed with the promise of 1/2 a stadium vs full stadium set if PAX correct – question was 20th century acronym for GOLF – oh so close to the answer by The Hanger who got the first two letters right "Gentlemen Only" which is shocking considering his golf etiquette fopaux displayed on the Davidson golf course which included talking during play, playing out of turn, and unnecessary walking on greens.  PAX duely completed the full stadium which at the end of a workout in that heat and humidity was just not that fun.  PAX gathered up for the nineth hole run from the stadium back to The Green.  "The worse Native American run ever" described the PAX staggering back to The Green 2 minutes late but 9 holes of golf richer.

Thorpe's group was there already & he graciously led us in the COT.  2nd F at Summit with a fantastic surprise treat by The Hangover – fresh watermelon.  PAX rehydrated with watermelon and lager and dreamed of cooler weather.



