SweatShop OTAs

++ Freaky Fast, Donuts, Toga, Mr Roboto

It's OTA and minicamp season for the NFL so…
Eighteen strong voluntarily showed up in TPRoD's offseason for SweatShop OTAs, Organized Tater Activities…

Warmup – In honor of the 75th anniversary of the Normandy invasion and the brave young men who fought to preserve freedom so that we can have F3 in the first place… 21 WW2 situps, OYO, in silence.
Then off to the fields behind the school…
First Quarter – Agility
Line up on one side of the field for SSH, IST, Windmill, and stretching.  Further warm up with several trips across the field – high knees, butt kickers, backpedal, karaoke, bear crawl, and crawl bear. 
Second Quarter – Merkin Hills (strength)
Starting at the bottom of the hill – 5 merkins IC, crawl halfway for another 5 merkins IC, crawl to the top for a third set of 5 merkins IC.  Repeato for a total of four sets (four quarters, get it?).  This was a quick way to get 120 merkins done and there was some bitching from the pax about Grouch's merkin-heavy workout on Tuesday… that's not YHC's problem.
Third Quarter – Explosion
Off to the pull-up bars – 5 burpee pull-ups followed by a lap around the school.  After three sets we took a quick mary break (LBC, low flutter, and Ws) before finishing with a fourth set (four quarters!).
Fourth Quarter – Tater Salad (conditioning)
Back to the field, line up along the end zone.  Starting from Superman position hop up on the first whistle (yes, there was a whistle) and sprint to the far end zone.  At each subsequent whistle (2-4 per sprint) drop for a burpee, get up, and continue running.  Repeat for 8 total sprints (back and forth = one quarter you see).  After a quick breather, ONE MORE for overtime!  Back to the Green for planks until the bell.
COT – Prayers up for Early who is heading to Bolivia for a mission trip.  Safe travels, brother!