Sweatshop Special – Spartan Sprint

Event Date

Apr 07, 2019


We were EH'd into this by Hawkeye.

We arrived to a very muddy course. After we all completed registration, etc and before we wntered the start area for the course we did some side straddle hops, mountain climbers, and stretching.

We entered the start area for the course but hurdling a 5 foot wall. One we started we were in waist deep mud and water within 250 yeards. That started a theme throughout the day. We then hurdled over some large hay rolls and other walls before taking on the rolling mud. At the end of the rolling mud was the wall we had to go under meaning completely under water.

Then the inverted wall and z walls which were made much more difficult by very slippery mud. Mud made pulling very heavy bags up on ropes more difficult but still doable. Then time to cfrawl, first under barbed wire then through culvert tubes. Up and over a vertical cargo wall was followed by carrying a slippery, very heavy, rock down and back. Of course, 5 burpees were required before coming back. Carrying wasn't done, though because heavy sandbags were next over a trail of steep, muddy hills.

As an aside, during this obstacle, Flip Flop reallly lived the 3rd F by healping a lady who had completely broken down. She was just standing there saying she couldn't do it. He took her bag and carried it up the hill for her and she was able to keep moving.

Swing rings were next but were so slick from the mud that few of us were able to complete it and avoid burpees (30 for each obstacle not completed). We threw a spear (I'm sure only a few of us were imagining Hawkeye as the target) then time to carrly a bucket full of rocks.

Up and over an A-frame cargo net followed by a rope climb that was so caked in mud to have any chance of climbing followed by monkey bars.

The last obstacle was a leap over fire which we took as a group. That's just a sign of the group effort and support that was present throughout the entire afternoon. Finally recover recover and a COT.

Beast award goes to Samsung who only failed to complete one obstacle. The rest of us had to do many more burpees.

A personal note…I could never have imagined doing this nor completed it today without both the physical and spiritual support of these guys. I will always be grateful.
