Sweaty Balls at Night Ranger

9 PAX showed in this high heat, high humidity night to get their weekly beat down. The Virtual Flag was planted and we set sail to lose some bodily fluids


The Thing:

up the parking deck for COP

12 Side Straddle Hop IC

12 Imperial Storm Trooper IC

13 Plank Jacks IC

10 WindMill IC

12 Mountain Climber IC

10 Carrot Tugger IC


Mosey to Veterans Park

Partner up

Partner 1 20 Merkins Good Form

Partner 2 Run outside of grass area

Flip Flop x2

Repeat with Squats x20, LBCx20, Dips x20, Carolina Dry Docks x20,

Squats x20

Mary in the plush turf

First Air Borne Mond Bender

Homer to Marge

into Low Dolly


Peter Parker

Mosey back to Parking garage

oops 3 mins left

20 LBCs

15 WWII sit up

Recover Recover


The Naked Moleskin:

Well its been a while since I posted a BB so I guess I owe it to the Pax as we are growing at Night Ranger!

It was a great night for all. I saw some good foot races between Swanson and Wolf Gang, Pushing it out Getting stronger. Vandely is not use to the night time air but he will get there. Papa Smurf has been MIA for a bit but back in action and look strong in those cargo shorts and classic Cotton Tank top. I think the heat may have even slowed down Fiddler. Great work by all! I am honored to lead such a great group.

MR Hand also in attendence. Not really sure the name fits but we will make it work some how. He is a beast and going to be a great addition to the group!

