FNG-1 is actually F3 Schnitzel out of the Hilton Head region.  He now visits us periodically while in Race City on business.  Aye!   Welcome brother!

Day 2 of the London Whale 5 Year Anniversary, and the big crowds keep coming out to see what is planned.  It was amazing to see some kotters I hadn't seen in a while because we teased them out with a healthy helping of guilt, nostalgia for memories past, and the promise of looking better naked.  Welcome back, you Kotters!  Don't be strangers!

Amazing turnout overall.  It's so exciting watching all the trucks roll in pre-0530 for your own Q.   Amazing feeling and I recommend it for anybody.

Here's what happened:

  • Pledge of Allegiance before the flag that is the symbol of the greatest country on earth
  • Mosey back through the lot to pick up Rent-a-cop, back out to street, then 5 burpees OYO
  • Mosey to back of 256 Raceway for COP


  • Lateral POGO, IC x20
  • SSH, IC x20
  • Windmills IC x11
  • WWII Situp IC x10
  • IST IC x21
  • Merkin IC x16

The Pax counted off by 3 to separate into 3 groups, but no idea what that was for just yet

Mosey over to Stroker Ace's place, round back where the sausage gets made.  There, the Pax found three jumpropes positioned in a row behind the numbers 1,2,3 written on the ground (think Jump to Conclusions Mat style, but different).   Four exercises were also written:

  • Merkin
  • LBC
  • Squat
  • Pogo

First Pax in each group begins jumping rope, up to 50 reps while his team begins doing Merkins.  When he reaches 50, he hands off the rope, runs to top of Stroker hill, does two burpees and returns.  All the while, the next Pax is jumping rope while the team does LBCs.  And so on, until each team cycles through 3 times.  Plank when your team is done.  Team 3 was quickest because they had the weighted rope – no other valid reason.

Someone said they caught Tombstone vaping in the middle of this ordeal.  YHC is consulting with Stroker Ace now to gain access to video footage from the premises.   All inquiries will be made.

Sweaty – teams were having fun, 90% of of the Pax is proficient at Jumping Rope.  One rope was shorter because of some knots I tied in it.  I'm short, but this rope was a challenge for the taller guys.

  • Circle up
  • Monkey Humpers x3 IC
  • New numbers, new teams
  • Repeato the Round Robin above, for two cycles.  Team 3 again quickest (weighted rope)

Mosey back to launch, where Crack led us in some Box cutter / cutter box.  Recover, Recover


Naked Man Moleskin

Second day in a row with huge numbers – thanks to all for coming out and supporting Race City, and for my anniversary.  You guys are a special group. 

Let's keep growing – recruit new guys and teach them to lead.  F3 is too great to keep a secret.

I saw our friend the skunk today behind Nationwide insurance as I was headed to Cofeeteria.  He's a good neighbor who minds his Ps & Qs.

Coffeeteria was excellent – another big turnout.  The Chick Fil A folks are so nice.   They need a better system for dispensing large numbers of coffees, but they are nice.

Always a privilege, thank you brothers.

LW out


