Sweet Home Alabama – RTR

Event Date

Jan 09, 2018


Sweet Home Alabama – Roll Tide Roll https://youtu.be/TKb0Q-pnua4 (skip the ad)

Five men arrived at SVU to celebrate another Alabama National Championship and learn a little about Muscle Shoals (Alabama) music.

WARMUP Cue of the fight song – https://t.co/EuewKigFMh


17IC Mt. Climbers (the fifth member of the PAX arrives)

Repeat the fight song and 17IC SSH

17IC Imperial Squat Walkers

Head to the back playground to begin the Southern Rock history montage

Muscle Shoals (Alabama) music tribute


Free Bird (Lynyrd Skynyrd) 200 Challenge

Finish 50 Burpee, 50 Pull-ups, and 100 Merkin in the 9:03 duration of Free Bird

Tell Mama (Etta James) 2:27 of Curls for Girls – curl every time you hear “tell mama”

Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd) 5:01 finish 200 challenge then WWI sit ups until songs over or you can’t do more

Hey Jude (Wilson Pickett w/Duane Allman) 4:04 Block Press every time you hear Hey, Jude, or the Q’s phone beeps (friends eating humble pie after the Alabama come back)

I’ll Take You There (The Staple Singers) 4:37 OHBC and Burpees

Take the block to the front (parking lot was to slick) so PAX did OHBC in the woods between the parking lot and playground with 5 burpee at each end

Return blocks

6 MoM

RESPECT (Aretha Franklin) (2:30)

17IC X & O’s



Philippians 4:13 I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.

Yes, it was quoted by the Alabama freshman QB. No matter how often this verse is quoted it’s still true. The combination of faith and not giving up is strong.



I will not name Denver F3 members, you know who you are, who talked smack last night but didn’t show at 0530.

Pretty certain that I have a cold and not the flu (had both going on in my house and was not feeling great this am) so you’re likely safe

Skipper was in rare form

The link at the top is a funny game recap by FunnyMaine Johnson – How Alabama Fans Watch the Game


An honor as always

YHC MetroDog