9 men appeared again at Muscle Beach for a beatdown.
Men not registered that appeared:
- Scurvy
SSH, Windmills, Toy Soldiers, CCD's
The Thang:
20 reps of each of the following exercises, 2 rounds of the entire set, then pax picks to finish workout
- Lat to Sumo / Lunge Curl / Squat Press
- Boat Press / Bridge Fly / Bench Flutter
- Squat Curl / Hammers / Curls
- Tri Kicks / Skull Crushers / Arnolds
- WWII Jabs / Scaption Crunch / OH Pull Crunch
- Strong work by all this am, solid push!
- 720 reps today, nice!
- Got a few grunts out of Grip, respect!
- Q brought his daughter's boyfriend to workout this am, Scurvy. Must have been a great workout, because on the way back to Belmont, he asked Q for his blessing to ask his daughter to marry him.
- Q said "heck no!!" LOL! Then made him walk back…no actually, Scurvy's a great guy and Q gave his blessing.
- Q, Slow Roll, and Scurvy got a little extra credit with post workout run
- Great work men!