Swimming and biking and running….oh my

Event Date

Jun 01, 2024


Just thought I’d throw a bb together since this was a what I consider a serious workout. Met at Macbeth’s dock at 6:30 and got right to it. 

Swim to buoy and back (.7 miles) Everyone goes at their own pace but we got it done.

Bike all around Jetton…I have no idea where we were, where we went, but we did cover right around 20 miles.

Then Jethro and TF just went out for a quick run for 1.2 miles. The transition from bike to run is an adjustment for sure. 

Headed for breakfast where we caught up with a couple other PAX there. Great group of guys and thanks for allowing new guys to tag along and being patient as we figure out what this tri thing is all about.