Swing Low

13 Strong this morning. It was a pleasure to lead.


No C#




Swing State


Still No C#



So sad, no C#




Sure wish I could post "C#" here, but alas…




·        40 SSH Because of the whining

·        15 Windmills

·        10 Cotton Pickers

·        Arm Circles


The Thang:

Get your bells and mosey on down to the grassy field

·        YHC loves the stress put on the muscles when we put weight on our body under velocity. Today’s goal was to increase the workload through swinging vs just reps. I think we got what we paid for.

Set 1


10 Suitcase Swings

10 Alternating Swings

10 Russian Swings

Set 2

10 Pendulum Swings

10 Over the Bridge Over the River Kwai

10 Sidewinder

10 Figure 8

2o Around the World

Set 3

5/5/10 Cannonball Merkins

(Cult Favorite – 5 Merkins with hand on bell, 5 with other hand on bell, flip to back and press the KB 10xs)

5/5/5 Cannonball Merkins

20 Ribbons

10 Dr W Presses

               (Start with KB in cannonball grip at chest height. Press the KB with right hand, both hands, then the left hand. Repeato.)

20 Halos

10 Dead Lift High Pulls

Set 4

Covid Bucket Brigade

               (PAX stands in a circle, KB on the right. Squat down, pick up the bell, transfer to left hand, squat down, set down. Stand up, squat down and get the bell that is waiting on you. Repeato until everyone heas their bell back. Repeato the other direction)

30 Covid Crunches

               (Lock ankles with partner, one HIM has the bell, both go into situp position, man with bell extends it over head and touches the ground, then sits up and hands off the bell to buddy who repeats the motion)

10 Figure 8


On this date in history:

1723 Adam Smith was born

1878 Poncho Villa born

1883 John Keynes Born

1933 Roosevelt takes US off of gold standard

1947 Sec of State George C Marshall presents the Marshall Plan. In looking at the difference at how Germany was treated after WWI and WWII we see the drastic differences in the outcomes. After WWI Germany was humiliated, having very strict regulations and penalties were placed on them. After WWII the Marshall Plan coordinated the delivery of humanitarian supplies to the Germans in an effort to win their hearts and rebuild their economy.

Oftentimes the shortest distance between two points is not a straight line. Sometimes being kind to a child, spouse, colleague, subordinate, or stranger might get us further than we would have gotten otherwise. Building off of Cheetah’s reflection of love, Mathew 22 reminds us that all of the commandments go back to the main 2: Love God, love your neighbor. To efficiently summarize the Gospel of Jesus Christ, there is a Father that wants His children to come home and He has gone to great lengths to do what He can to make that happen. The rest is up to us.

Mumble Chatter:

No one had any complaints. Pretty amazing. 

Actually, a couple of the PAX got a bit frustrated that we were swinging a device that was made to be swung. Strange concept I know, practically revolutionary.

YHC switched preworkout/shake mix and was ready to splash Merlot on a couple of occasions. Mater and Hefty helped count us home.

Cool visit from Zippy’s barber Swing State.

There were probably some other noteworthy events but I was too focused on leading these fine young cannibals that I couldn’t pay too close attention…


Jason Guffey

