Swingin’ in the Rain

Event Date

Jan 20, 2017

Four brave men slipped from their fart sacks and braved the elements to try an unofficial workout with School Bus. While the Bus likes the cardio and body weight exercises he was missing the feel of iron so he invited some great men to join him in the soggy gloom for a swingin' great time with some kettle bells. Good sense prevailed and they met under the high school portico as evicenced by the sweat puddles at one end of the shelter. T Claps to the creativity of weight used – brothers didn't let the lack of a bell slow them down!

Warm Up: 

SSH IC: 25

Inchworms – 30 feet

Burpee Broad Jump 30 feet

Bear Crawl – 30 feet

Arm Circles/Huggers

The Thang with Bells on:

10 Thrusters IC

15 Suit Case Seings IC

15 Sumo Squat Hi-Pull

20 Partner Sit-ups passing kettle bell

15 Halos IC

15 Around the World Each Direction IC

15 Figure 8s Each Direction IC

20 Alternating Russian KBS IC

Short Mosey because the rain let up and it seemed like the right thing to do

20 American Kettle Bell Swings IC

10 Mercins IC

10 Lateral Hops (mostly) over KB. IC

20 Russin Kettle Bell Swings IC

Did 2 rounds of favorites:

Zippy: 15 Halos in the other direction since Q forgot to unwind the clock

Hefty: 10 Mercins IC Because only his legs were ripped by the Murph yesterday

Kringle: 20 Partner Situps – Got to look into Hefty's eyes

School Bus: 20 Alternating Swings – Cause it's fun

Zippy – Skull Crushers – Cause his M loves a man with cut sleeves

Hefty – Pushups with an under the bridge pass through with the weight – Cause he laughed at the Murph

Kringle – 25 Bent Over Rows IC – Cause he's tough

Bus – 20 Partner Situps – Cause there was a cry for Mary

Reflection: Luke 8:15  But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.

It's no secret that one of the best ways a man has to become fertile ground for the good seed is to experience a physical beat down as provided by commrades at F3. As men we have 3 responsibilities in the home: Preside, Provide, Protect – 3Ps to go with 3 Fs. We have a responsibility to Preside over our homes and families in righteousness, leading the family in spiritual development, Provide for our famlly's temporal and spiritual needs, and Protect them from the outside world, making sure that there is love and safety in our homes. 

Moleskin: It was a pleassure leading you men today. Kettle bell was dropped only twice today – by the Q. Kept everyone on their toes. Thanks for humoring the need to swing a bell.

Science Fact: There is a muscle in the body that has the ability to tell the difference between solids, liquids, and gasses. That is the sphinctir. One of the Pax was pushing his to the limits – let's just say that it wasn't School Bus that was backfiring, but he's pretty sure someone blew an O ring and leaked a little hydro fluid. 

I'd like to keep this Friday KB session going. It's a nice calm way to get one's sweat on and get swollen before a day at the grind. I'll keep sending out invites on the Wed leading up to it.