Swinging Cold Hard Steel No Match For Mother Nature

Present but unaccounted for on the website is Cindarella…Omega…Get on That!

Last week when I posted for a "Jersey Boy Q" I knew what I signed up for.  Always glad to support my Dad Camp bunk mate.  Being the person I am, the call to #Serve was asked and YHC graciously offered up my services.  Wasn't until later in the week I realized it would be the coldest day since the last coldest day.  Where the heck is fall?  36 degrees…seriously?  I made sure I spent so much time making sure I layered up that YHC forgot his 35lb KB! Q Fail.  Although I should have taken Deep Dish's advice and just clip boarded, I needed to be involved.  Thankfully, the MQ has the bells to support.   8 showed up on time…4 were casually or drastically late.  We find out today the Pax can't count time or reps… more on that…530 we are off!

Warm O Rama

Take two laps around the lot… Oyster- Will this have any semblance of Jersey Boys workout?  Me: Absolutely Not!  2nd lap…Jersey Boy only made us do one lap.  Me- Exactly…nothing will compare to a JB workout. 

Omega " I thought you hate running?"  Yes…Yes I do…killing me as we speak after the Amazing Grace Not So 5K.

Circle Up



Cotton Picker x10IC

Toy Soldier x10IC

Merkins x10IC

IST x10 IC

Windmill X10IC

1 Outlaw Burpee…BTW- where are you?


The Thang:

Partner up…size of your bells does matter.  Apparently, the Pax are quite sensitive when comparing the size of their bells.  After a bit of ewwwwing and awwinggg…we got our partners…and no swapping took place.

Partner 1- Run down to curb and back.  Partner 2 does the exercises  Flapjack.  Rinse and Repeato…Up to total and carry on to next to we say Hello Dora!


100 Swings

200 Shoulder Press

300 Curls (truth be told, I had SP last…thankfully I realized that would have been awful!)

Plank it out…then 20x Mountain Climbers IC

Repeato with different exercises-  The grumbling when I said Repeato was priceless.

100 Skull Crushers

200 Chest Press

300 Squats



Pretzel Crunch x10 IC each side

10 WW2 situps

10x IC Dying Cockaroacha

10x IC Box Cutters

10x IC LBCs

X's and O's Oh Oh you want me!!!!

Recover Recover

Just saying…workouts begin at 530am sharp…put your clothes out the night before…

Kid Rock and Titan have a different kind of math skill then the other Pax.  Somehow 20 reps turned to 110.  Again…Just saying.

Omega likes to coffee talk as he spells his partner…thankfully, I let it slide because he is the best realtor in town bar none!  Thanks for the Steelers tumblers, beers and gift card.  Client for life…(I take bribes)

Speaking of the Steelers, I chose this day to Q because we were on a bye week and less of a chance of being hung over.  To my surprise…we went from 3rd to first and Ninja Turtle had the best looking head gear Today! Here We Go!

Frontier and Hat Trick…been there since the beginning for me…Glad to see you both!

Cindarella, you survived a JB workout and got named Cindareall and yet you are here again…this dude has BELLS!

JB…workout starts at 530…but appreciate your propaganda for BRP!  Reach out and get a free deck of beat down cards!

Oyster, DD and JB…(soon to be KR)  Like fine wine brothers!

Flipper- Don't know you well…but do love the bandanna…admiration in my book.  Hope to hit more glooms with ya!

CoT:  YHC took us out

Honored and blessed to head back to my roots to Q MMM.  Hope I delivered a quality beat down.  I know I feel it but I feel everything nowadays.

Always great to be with my brothers.  You all lift me up and keep me moving forward on days when giving up looks so good.  Always appreciate the support and motivation to keep moving forward!

Live Life.  Own Every Second.  Never, Never Take Anything For Granted!


Humbly Yours-
