Swole Beefcakes

Event Date

Oct 02, 2020

5 of Denver of the East's finest were swole beefcakes before 6AM today. Here's how it happened.


Toy soldiers = 10 IC

Windmills = 10 IC

Copperhead squats = 10 IC

Plank jacks = 10 IC

Shoulder taps = 10 IC


Arm circles

Hug yourself


The Thang

1 Parking lot lap while stopping every 4th parking spot to perform 12 reps of the following KB exercises:

Watch breakers left arm

Watch breakers right arm

Curls left arm

Curls right arm

Chest press

Sit ups

Skull crushers

Row left arm

Row right arm


Dips at tennis court and gym benches



American hammers with KB = 10 IC

LBC’s with KB = 15 IC



Is respect of others a given or earned? Romans 12:10 “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.”



Marker was in full beast mode this morning. He busted out a standard before and after bellz!

Sparrow is in the market for a 30lb kettlebell as he continues to toss his 15lb KB around like a frisbee.

Scope’s Mustang tires were installed in 2003. After 17 years, the Stang will soon be getting new shoes! Scope is looking for a local strip to practice burn-outs on the old tires and maybe melt them off in the process. Stay tuned to Slack for Scopes announcement of when/where the tire roast smoke show will be.

An unrecognizable version of Hefty participated this AM. Sporting a t-shirt in lieu of the recommended bellz attire (tank top) and a Quasimodo style limp, Hefty crushes the arm exercises while scaling back on leg work due to his injured ankle. Wishing Hefty a speedy recovery and looking forward to a near future Q involving pushing/pulling his Jeep around the parking lot.

Soccer tomorrow at Mustang with a special guest ref???

Make it a great day!
