Swords and Stones may break my bones

Event Date

May 07, 2018

But burpees will never hurt me.

YHC had to get on the calender when I saw Tuck had taken over as MQ. Proud of you and inspired by the hard work I've seen you put in Tuck.

8 bad hombres (but good dudes) gathered for a beatdown at The Sword. Pleasantries were exchanged and then we were off for a warmup. As is YHCs standard there were the usual dynamic stretches and some single leg SSHs.

Eventually we found ourselves at the pullup bars for 1 set of pullups, AMRAP. Kosar did 32 before needing to get some assistance for 3 more. 35 total. 1 set. They were legit too. Insert eyebrow raise

Run a short lap

Next we did 1 set of toes to the bar, AMRAP. 

Run a short lap

Lastly we did an "inch worm," which involves hanging on the bar and then moving back and forth, side to side for as long as possible. 

Second session we partnered. First call was for 300 muricans total. Partner 1 does exercise while Partner 2 runs short lap. Flapjack until partners reach 300. Audibled to 200 total muricans, as everyone seemed pretty burnt out from that first session.

Next call was for 150 jump squats total. Partner 1 does exercise while partner 2 runs short lap. Flapjack until partners reach 150.

Mosey to rocks and pick up rock. Zamperini to other end of parking lot. Variety of rock exercises and core work including, but possibly not limited to:

Upright row 15x IC

Shoulder press 15x IC

25 WW1 situps OYO

Knees to Toes 15x IC

Zamperini back to start

Bicep Curls 15x IC

Skull crusher 15x IC

Pretzel crunch 15x IC each leg

Low flutter 25x IC

Rock back and split up into teams of 4 for some 4 v 4 basketball. 

Bunyan had been heard complaining about how this was a short mans workout, so we decided to even it up on the court. 10, no just 5 burpees everytime you get scored on. Tuck and Banana Peel showed some skills. Flo threw down a nasty dunk and was generally unstoppable once we got him the ball in the post. The rest of us were lucky to get the ball up and down the court and hit the backboard when we shot. Not that our arms were shot or anything. Each team ended up doing 15 burpees and having some fun. Great group of guys. Nice to meet you Rooter. Hope everyone had a great start to their week. Hard work + Fun at The Sword.

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