Syttende Mai!

Event Date

May 17, 2018


7 pax decided that they weren't skeered of a little humidity and residual rainfall, and came ready to work this morning at #Samson.

With a potential for more rain in the forecast, YHC decided to forgo running a #Standard this morning.  Alas, the rain never came, but YHC got 30 extra mins of sleep.

At the stroke of 0530, YHC and 5 other pax moseyed to the far end of the LFC parking lot to the usual warmup spot near the pullup bars.


  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Imperial Squat Walker x 15 IC

*** At this point, Hoodie rolled in hot and joined us to give us 7 total pax

  • Toy Soldier x 15 IC
  • Moroccan Nightclub x 50 IC and keep arms out for…..
  • Overhead Claps x 10 IC


Each pax grabs a cinder block and partners up.  YHC joined Big Montana and Mona Lisa to form a 3 pax group.

  • P1 farmers carries 2 blocks around perimeter of LFC parking lot.
  • P2 completes 5 burpees, then runs to catch P1 and take over on the block farmers carry while P1 completes 5 burpees.
  • Repeato until back at pullup bars.

Plank and wait for the six.

Circle up with blocks for:

  • Muhammad Ali on block x 20 IC
  • Block Swings x 20 OYO
  • Lateral Shuffle over block x 20 IC
  • Dips x 20 IC

Re-locate partners.

  • P1 zamperinis 1 block around perimeter of LFC parking lot.
  • P2 completes 10 Mericans + 10 Mountain Climbers, then runs to catch P1 and take over on the block zamperini while P1 completes 10 Mericans + 10 Mountain Climbers.
  • Repeato until back at pullup bars.

Circle up with blocks for:

  • Muhammad Ali on block x 20 IC
  • Block Swings x 20 OYO
  • Lateral Shuffle over block x 20 IC
  • Dips x 20 IC

Re-locate partners.

  • P1 – Hand Release Mericans with 2 cinder blocks x 20 OYO
  • P2 – WWII Situps AMRAP until P1 done
  • Flip Flop
  • Repeato above but with 10 Hand Release Mericans
  • Repeato above but with 5 Hand Release Mericans

Pause for 10 count (courtesy Mona Lisa).

  • P1 – Dips between 2 cinder blocks x 20 OYO
  • P2 – Monkey Humpers AMRAP until P1 done
  • Flip Flop
  • Repeato above but with 10 Dips
  • Repeato above but with 5 Dips

Finally, all pax complete 10 traveling mericans on their block – i.e., 1 offset merican on left side of block, 1 merican in middle of block, 1 offset merican on right side of block.  Continue this, moving back to left, then back to right, until each pax has completed 5 offset mericans on left side of block and 5 offset mericans on right side of block.

Replace cinder blocks and mosey back to cars for Mary:

  • Homer to Marge x 3
  • Low Dolly x 10 IC
  • Homer to Marge
  • Rosalita x 10 IC
  • Mason Twist x 15 IC
  • WWII Situps x 10

Recover, recover.


  • As a fellow Scandinavian to Limburger and Swede, YHC is a little embarrassed to admit that he was not aware that today is none other than Norwegian Constitution Day, a/k/a Syttende Mai (Seventeenth of May).  Apparently, this is kind of a big deal in Norway, as well as in Stoughton, Wisconsin (not far from where Limburger and Swede hail), and in some little pocket of Seattle.  Since this morning, I have educated myself a bit on Syttende Mai, and in particular have learned that the celebratory festivities typically include parades and dancing….. not unlike the parades we did around the LFC parking lot, and all the "dancing" we did on our blocks this morning (that was prescient!).  Don't know if they do any burpees on Syttende Mai, but we knocked out a few of those as well, just in case.
  • Another tradition on Syttende Mai is this crazy hat kicking move.  YHC is already thinking about how he can incorporate this into next year's Syttende Mai beatdown.  Notice, the hat holder is even standing on a cinder block!
  • The Moroccan Nightclubs were a crowd pleaser, as usual.  YHC loves to bust those out to much pax laughter and mockery during the first 20 or so reps, only to get the last laugh during the last 10 or so reps.  YHC followed up with some overhead claps for good measure, and immediately after these, Hoodie took off in the direction of his car.  The pax were afraid he had decided to bail.  Alas, he was just retrieving his beatdown gloves.
  • Speaking of Hoodie, glad to see him out and posting yet again, and now registered on the site as well.  He has been killing it.  I'm pretty sure that is 4-for-4 on posts this week, only a few weeks into F3.  Strong.
  • Luther the dalmatian was also present today.  Be advised, Luther understands the command to plank to be an open invitation to back his nether region up into the planking pax's grills.  The pax also had to watch for Luther on the block swings, as he had a tendency to wander behind the pax during the backswing.
  • 20 hand release mericans between two cindys was ambitious.  YHC was struggling after the first 10.  Glad to see all of the pax modifying on that one.  YHC's traps and delts are good and sore today.
  • We prayed for Crab Legs' M and for all of the F3 men who are participating in the Heavy ruck event this coming weekend.
  • Many thanks to Limburger for the opportunity to lead the pax this morning.  I hope to be back soon.  And thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016.  I'm forever grateful.

