T.A.C.O. Tuesday

Event Date

Sep 05, 2023

Seven of us gathered at Gladiator for a zesty feast of pain.


Warmup run around the parking lot.

  • SSH x20
  • Slippery Dip Can x10
  • Windmill x10 (Flyby Toxic)
  • IST x10
  • Toy Soldier x10

The Thang:

Grab a block and circle up for T.A.C.O. Tuesday….

Crush as many T.A.C.O.’s as you can in each 10 minute round.

Round 1: 20 Reps OYO
T- Tricep Extension
A- American Hammer
C- Cardio (lap around the parking lot)
O- Outlaws

Round 2: 20 Reps OYO
T- Triangle Pushups
A- Apollo Ono
C- Cardio (lap around the parking lot)
O- One Legged Burpees

Round 3: 20 Reps OYO
T- Turkish Getups
A- Alternating Lunge
C- Cardio (lap around the parking lot)
O- Overhead Press

Unfortunately we ran out of time for round 4, but a valiant effort was put out by the PAX.

Mosey back to start


Recover Recover

Continued prayers for Toby as well as the unspoken.

It was a great time leading an even greater PAX this morning. See you next time in the gloom.

STATS (Unofficial)
Ponch/Skynet 7
Amen 5 maybe 6
Bob Ross 6
Frontier 6
Greyhound 6
Ping 6
Merkel 4