Tabata-Bing Tabata-Boom

Event Date

Jan 16, 2016


Seven strong emerged from the early gloom for an old fashion Tabata beat down. Unlike the two ripped dudes in the video (all hat, no cattle) the SVU faithful showed that the cardio work is paying off as they powered thru 4 Tabata sets followed up by some descending AMRAP challenges.  It went something like this…


15IC ISW (Skipper notes we've moved back to 2015)
16IC MC (Bringing us back to the present)
10IC Merkins

Parking Lot Fun

High Knees Up, Mosey Back
Backwards Run Up, MB
Butt Kickers Up, MB
Karaoke Left Up, MB
Karaoke Right Up, MB

Tabata Tango

4x 4 min sets consisting of 8 repeats of 20 sec on, 10 off.

Set One – Alternate between:
  Lunge Jumps
  Rocket Merkins (Start in all four football stance with hands well ahead of shoulders and then go down to merkin as body straightens out then return to football stance)

Set Two – Alternate between:
  Tuck Jump
  Squat Thrust (Burpee without the merkin – many in the pax finding it hard to omit the merkin)

Set Three – Mosey to back and alternate between:
  Hanging toe touch
  Star Jumps

Set Four – Alternate between
  Three Position Merkins (alternate each merkin from diamond to standard to wide and back)
  Rail Hop (hop side to side over rail)

Mosey back to parking lot for descending AMRAP sets.

3 min AMRAP alternating between 5 squats, 5 merkins, 5 squat thrust
1 min rest
2 min AMRAP same as above
1 min rest
1 min AMRAP same as above
1 min rest
30 sec AMRAP same as above  (really encouraged pax to leave everything they had on pavement)

Was running a few minutes ahead of schedule so suggested moving to street for some hill sprints at which point some in pax reminded me that they had left everything on pavement as instructed during the AMRAPs.  #diggingdeep

Pax divided into two groups.

Group Two – run to top of hill building up to sprint over first third and maintain to hill top
Group One – monkey humpers
flip flop groups (Question asked: Group two sprinting first? Answer: Yes.  Reason: YHC was in group one and wanted more rest.  #Qprivilege!)

Group two – Backwards hill run
Group one – Squats
flip flop groups


Pax was instructed that feet were not to touch ground until end of Mary.

15IC Low Flutter
15IC Low Dolly
15IC Freddie Merc’s
15IC Box Cutters
??IC Dr. W's (10IC I think. Pax kept jumping the count ahead so couldn't keep count)


WOD–John 15:5–“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”


– Great effort by all this morning
– Skipper saw my phone and wondered what music I had in store. I asked how many where here for "Black Betty" the first time and was greeted by a chorus of groans.  Not today but soon…
– Pax found it hard to do burpees without the merkin – #musclememory.
– Great to have the ghost flag with us today!
– Prayers out to all in need of healing of mind, body or spirit. Thru Him all things are possible!
– Thanks for the privilege and honor of leading and being led by you guys…Have a great week!