Tabata workout at Hollywood

10 Pax at Hollywood today on a not too cold day (~39 degrees).  Here is, roughly, what went down:

0500:  Run Standard with Goodlife (his first Standard!) and YHC.  We were unable to locate blocks or rocks that were easily accesible.  The hills over by the tennis courts, for example, were muddy looking and overrun with weeds.  So we adapted.

0530:  A few stretches * while we waited for a few folks to get out of their cars.  First disclaimer given.  We were off.


  • Mosey to the bridge towards the Newell Parking lot, including high knees, butt kickers, and Karaoke L/R.
  • Lunge walk across the bridge.
  • Circle up under some street lights, second disclaimer given.
  • SSH x 15 IC  (YHC:  See, I take requests.  Carpet Bagger:  But will you follow them?  Lol)
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean Farmers x 15 IC

The Thing:

  • Partner up.
  • Partner 1:  Jump squats AMRAP
  • Partner 2:  Run to end of parking lot and back, probably 100 yards in total
  • Flip flop.
  • Repeato but with slow deep squats.
  • Repeato, can't remember what exercise we did. *

Tabata Time:

  • 1 minute "On", 1 minute "Rest", for 10 iterations.  Exercises included:
  • Lunge step forward / backward
  • Step ups on a brick wall
  • Calf raises
  • A few others. *

Mosey back to the AO.  Not much time for Mary.


  • Crunchy frog x 10 IC
  • LBCs x 5 IC

Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered 1.36 miles.

 * There may have also been a few Burpees sprinkled throughout today's workout. 


  1. Tabata etiquette and best practices were definitely followed.  That is, we worked when we were supposed to work and rested when we were supposed to rest.
  2. Although, KingFish would suggest a new Tabata app and maybe even web browser.
  3. Rodeo correctly predicted about 90% of today's workout, even though YHC thought it was unpredictable.
  4. Apologies to Carpet Bagger, since Mr. Sparkles (his dog) did not like the Hockey Air horn on my Tabata app.  Will try to find something better for next time.  Strong work today.
  5. Hippie just goes to work man!  Appreciate the push on the runs and appreciate you encouraging the Pax today.
  6. Soprano put in work today too and was reportedly worried we might not complete all the…uh…stretches today.  On an unrelated note, the formula for the sum of the first N digits is:  N * {(N+1)/2}
  7. Good catching up briefly with Hat Trick today.  He's been doing this for 9 years now and still gets after it.  Whenever YHC says "Regular" (En Espanol) it is always a tribute to the way Hat Trick says it. 
  8. Partnered with Slingshot today.  Good to meet you my dude and glad to hear you are loving this thing called F3!  Within Slack 1st F, someone can probably point you to the trail bike dudes for extra work.
  9. Thanks for running with me this morning Goodlife and thanks for the opportunity to lead.  More importantly, thank you for your leadership in taking over as MQ for this fine AO.  Folks if you get a Twitter DM from Goodlife or any MQ for that matter, please help out with a Q if you can.  Read above, creativity not required!
  10. Speaking of MQs, looks like Hasselhoff wrangled Rodeo into Qing tomorrow at Samson?  Always be EHing, nice work.
  11. Always appreciative whenever Pax still come out to my Qs, even if they aren't always creative.  YHC will try harder in 2021 to come up with some new ideas.  First things first, who can recommend a good Tabata app?!?
