Taco Tuesday

Event Date

Jan 10, 2023


Four PAX answered the bell this morning and made a run for the county border… but not that far because it was Taco Tuesday at Fallout!

Chips and Salsa:

Run a lap around the parking lot
SSH x25
IST x15
Slippery Dip Can x10
Windmills x10
Plank Jacks x10
Toy Soldiers x10

Taco Time!

Tricep Extensions x 20
American Hammer x 20
Cardio – Run a lap on the track
Outlaw x 20

Triangle Pushups x 20
Appolo Onos x 20
Cardio – Run a lap on the track
One Legged Burpee x 20

Turkish Getups x 20
Alternating Lunge x 20
Cardio – Run a lap on the track
OYO (PAX Choice) x 20

Thrusters x 20
Air Press on the Wall x 20
Cardio – Run a lap on the track
OYO (PAX Choice) x 20


LBC x20


Four PAX took down Four Tacos today. Nice work! Solid group of guys, always enjoy their company.  Ludicrous Speed is looking for a new MQ for anyone interested. Prayers for Moonlight and those unspoken.

See you in the gloom…
Bob Ross