Taco Tuesday del Norte – Do You Really Need a Q?

Event Date

Oct 02, 2018

Somehow Don Ho and I are looked at as the Master Q's for the northern version of Taco Tuesday which means we pick the location and time, other than that what else is there to do for Taco Tuesday? I preblasted today's detail with the disclaimer I wouldn't be there, seriously, what else do you need to do as the Taco Tuesday Q besides a preblast and then, if so inclined, a backblast?

Apparently, Blackbeard has a strong opinion on this matter…check Twitter.

Every once in a while the decision needs to be made to have Taco Tuesday del Norte in Davidson so the pax there can join in the fun, which is what I did this morning, calling for Taco Tuesday at the Sabor inside The Wall. 6 pax showed, 5 of which were member of the PRoD and Smokey who is getting quite comfortable showing up in Davidson for the fake OTB on Sundays and almost every time the PRoD is the Taco Tuesday site. Maybe, after he does his Ironman, he'll show on The Green for a workout.

A lot of tacos were consumed, I'm sure there was talk about riding, but hopefully, more talk about running, and I'm sure there were a few jokes made at my expense.

Bottom line, I Q'd a successful Taco Tuesday without being present…T-Claps to me!

On a serious note, remember to lift up the Alpharetta pax.

