Taco Tuesday – Tin Roof Edition

Taco Tuesday – ACC Tournament really bad teams (#12 and #13 seeds, Wake and Miami) edition.

So we ventured to Tin Roof today, in the Epicenter.  Let's get to the facts:


3 of 10.  Took ~30 minutes to get our tacos.


6 of 10.  They had 4 different $3 tacos.


2 of 10.  Breakdown:

Pork:  Good.  It had some sort of peach or pineapple element to it.  Nice.

Chicken:  Ok.  Nothing to write home about.

Beef:  WTF?  It was wrapped in some sort of hard crusted cheese layer.  Per Twister, and confirmed by YHC, it leaked some sort of clear fluid somehow.  I will spare everyone the details, but my stomach did NOT like this place at all.  Am very, very concerned about my bus ride home.

Fish:  N/A.  Per Turncoat, and YHC agrees, fish and tacos aren't really our thing.  Since Turncoat is the Taco Tuesday expert, Fish gets the "N/A" rating.



There were at least 2 video games with money already in them.  "NBA Jam Extreme" which YHC played, and a golf game. 

So…that begs the question:  Can a free video game make up for questionable food and slow service??  Yes.  Yes it does.  YHC assumes we'll be back every week.

Just kidding.  This place might be a 1 and done, much like whichever crappy team advanced in the basketball game playing in the background.


  1. Congrats to Ramrod on recently completing another HTL, despite literally requiring IVs afterwards.
  2. Twister has completed his 30 day cleanse and admits it is not for everyone.  Food he missed the most:  Bread.
  3. Mort has several big races coming up and therefore ran "only" 14 miles of the MBM.
  4. We talked about Nintendos a lot.  Old school NES is Turncoat and YHC's jam.  Mort likes the Super Nintendo version.  Ramrod and Jaws are fans of the N64, presumably because they are millenials and don't know any better. 
  5. Little Finger was ~30 minutes late, though believe he left work on time to meet us but had to hobble over in his boot.  Hopefully, he is safely back to work as I write this BB 2 hours later.

It was good to see everyone today.  The company was priceless as always.