Tag team back again

Event Date

Sep 06, 2023

Clark and Travolta roll into the AO, both of us on time and not a single other PAX is there to witness it. Nobody signed up to Q so we just wing it. Though mostly it was Travolta picking exercises. Clark suggested we grab the KBs from our cars rather than traversing through the dew covered grass to grab blocks. We did that, then did some exercises that I can’t remember this many days later. Then we proceeded to go through the grass anyway to the down under bars because Travolta wanted to use the KBs to crush our balls with them to somehow help with pull-ups. It must have worked… like NC State voting to bring 3 new not from anywhere near the Atlantic coast team… it didn’t make any sense and it hurts to think about. But what’s done is done and I still feel like. Anyways, it was a bunch of awkward semi assisted pull ups with varied grips and adding up to 31 lbs of love to make us stronger.

Then we took the bells up to the parking lot for some odd merkin, sprint, farmers carry thing. Again effective and not sure it would have worked with 3 or more people. It was a sweat fest and got the heart pumping. It evolved from some military drill of run and cover to advance towards the goal. In this case our goal was getting the timer to 45 minutes so we could go to work.

Next we went to the benches for some weighted bench dips. Several rounds

back to the launch pad for a couple minutes of Mary. Pretzel crunches and maybe one other move.

Our reflection was discussing some differences and similarities with our denominations, I grew up Methodist and currently at a non denominational church and Travolta is a practicing messianic Jew. 

If you weren’t there, we missed you