Take A Stroll Down Memory Lane

Event Date

Sep 12, 2019


This small but dedicated group met up this morning for a quick lap around the parking lot, followed by a cadence warm-up of:

  • 25X SSH
  • 15X Imperial Storm troopers
  • 15X Cotton Pickers
  • 15X Toy soldiers 
  • 5x Burpees

(Did you all know that my first F3 workout was the Vern, which was at this very spot)?

We then took a mosey to Coyboy's, where we:

  • 10X Jump Squats
  • 15X Merkins
  • 15X Mohammed Ali's
  • 15X Step Forward Lunge
  • 5X Burpees

(Did you all know that we use to meet on an empty paved area where Cowboy's is now)?

Another mosey to the rails:

  • 15X Dips
  • 15X One Legged Squats
  • 15X Incline Merkins
  • 15X One Legged Squats (other leg)
  • 10X Decline Merkins bottom shelf
  • 5X Burpees

(Did you all know this neighborhood was where the Fission workout began . . . in Moses' driveway)?

Still another mosey to the next set of rails:

  • 15X Calf Raises (each leg)
  • 10X Decline Merkin (top shelf)
  • 15X Slow squats
  • 5X Burpees

(Did you all know this rail was about to fall over at one point.  Apparently someone fixed it).

On to quadrophilia up the hill, curb merkins, LBC's, and, you guessed it some more burpees.

Back to home base for some final Mary and one last set of Burpees to call it a morning.

Thanks to Cousin Eddie for his dedication and asking me to Q.  Hat Trick kept us honest with his recollection of how things were back in the day.  Plumb Bob (he's not registered for some reason) and Liger made it through another tough habit forming workout.  And Oshkosh wanted to keep running and make it a longer workout (beast!).