Take your medicine

Event Date

Jan 31, 2018

Q showed for a little standard, joined by Spork to grab a couple of laps around the AO.  Q may have mentioned to Spork that todays' Q would not reflect much originality.  

This morning presented a nice frosty 20 degrees as the PAX rolled in.  Surprised to see 9 men in the gloom during this bitterness.  Pax hasn't been known to partake in the cold so well.  

Mumble chatter was had regarding the massive fart sack on Murph Monday (Q included).  Q stood to remedy this miss by all and make sure we took our medicine like the men we are.  

5:30 hit.  Q called, let's murph.  A few chatters of "really" were heard as the pax committed to mile 1.

With the mile completed we knocked out our rounds after some technical difficulites (q had timer set wrong for the intervals).  Some mumble chatter was had regarding the finer qualities of marriage, the upcoming Polar Bear, and our very own POTUS.  The usual.  P-Funk had to jet out midway, worklife calling.

We kicked into mile 2 and met back at Start.  Medicine taken.  Feeling much better now.

Reflection:  I believe the Pax didn't expect a secular quote, but it was a thought I had as I awoke prior to the gloom and so here it is:

We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.  May Sarton

My thoughts are that while we are all working to improve ourselves, or grow ourselves, or whatever, (or should be) we have to be mindful of who we are today so that we can know where we want to go, to be, to become.  It can be difficult to be truly honest with yourself (much less others) about who you are, what you want, and where you want to go, as we make our constant choices and actions.  We make terrible choices at times, and beautiful choices at times.  We have to own the "good" and "bad" of ourselves and from that understanding we should be able to better make our path forward.  I ask that we consider these ideas as we go through our daily, and work to our 'morrow.

Lastly, let us remember we are privileged to be able to affect these thoughts and growth (beyond mere survival) as we move through this world.  Many are not nearly as fortunate.


Kudos to Clark for murphing partially alone on Monday.  To be fair, Stitches attended for a little over half the murph.
Nice work by Sonar making sure he hit his full 2 miles. FeEbruary begins the journey to 1k miles
Nice to meet HoleShot for the first time as he drove down from Maiden.  His first post at Mustang being the Murph.
Overall nice work by the 9 men this morning who took their medicine. There's plenty left to take.