SSH x50 (cause that's what we do at Gladiator)
Soybean Farmer
Arm Circles
The Thang:
Mosey to hill below school
Quadrafila up to top for 10 squats
Repeato 3 times
5 burpees
Lunge Walk back up to top, Squat
Mosey back to church, stop at the low wall
Wall Jumps x 10
Mosey to parking lot
Long jump from line to line, stopping for 1 burpee at each line
Mosey to pullup bars
toes to bar/knee ups x 10, 2 rounds
grab a block
low curls
high curls
full curls
skull crushers
lawn mowers
return the blocks and mosey back to cars for Mary
around the horn, show to know
- Enjoyed it today fellas, thanks for the fellowship and following me around. Everyone put in good work.
- Thanks to Travolta for continuing to lead here at Gladiator!