Taking Care of Business

Event Date

Sep 07, 2018


FNG-1 Out Cold

FNG-2 Giselle

FNG-3 Devin

4 Pax (YHC, Giselle, Honey Bee & Out Cold) hit the road promptly at 0510 and Took Care of Business – Huntersville Business Park Loops. Giselle & Out Cold put in a little over 4 miles w/ 2 loops (aka "The Shaft") while YHC & Honey Bee put in just over 7 miles adding the "Ball Sack" to the previously run "Shaft". 

3 Pax (Fenway, Primetime, Devin) hit the roads a little after 0510 and missed us Business guys and chose to go Back to School. They put in close to 3 miles heading out to Torrance Creek Elementary. 

Good to see Fenway out there running today and glad to see his health is improving. Now get your 70 hrs recovery in after todays effort 🙂

Small crowd today but much better than expected considering some BRR event is taking place. Thanks to Die Hard for letting me handle Odyssey Q duties while he is away running in the BRR. 

Good luck to all of the F3 teams running the BRR today – may you run fast, have fun and complete your run free of injury. 

As always YHC enjoyed the post run F2 coffee and chatter.