Taking Cover at Fallout

Event Date

Apr 25, 2017


9 men posted in the gloom seeking a workout sheltered from the rain.  They found it at the base of Fallout, where humidity and creativity were in the air…

Per preblast instruction, those who didn't show up with a KB or dumbell grabbed a rock on their way to the sheltered picnic tables.

Warmorama:  We started on a lap around the track b/c it was not technically raining, thus YHC technically was not breaking his promise of keeping the pax out of the rain.  Through heavy mist, we took the first corner and straightaway, some high knees along the way.  When 8-track got ahead of YHC and the pax, we turned around.  Butt kickers on the way back.

SSHs, ISTs, Cotton Pickers, Mtn Climbers and Merkins – all x19 in cadence.

People's Chair against the wall while YHC explains the various workout plans that we abandoned.

The Thang:

19 burpees OYO.  If that's not a crappy way to start a workout, then I don't know what is.

Over-Under Picnic Table Bench Planks.  Otherwise said, creativity gone bad.  See the moleskine for more information…

Bench step-ups with rocks/KBs at 90* (stationary curl position).  x 19 (or so)

People's Chair with rocks/KBs:  

~Rock raises (arms extended out front, raise over head, down)

~Rock shoulder presses

~Rock handoffs left and right

The Weight Room:

Low curls, high curls, full curls

Skull crushers

Full curl

Skull crushers

Squats (still with weights)

Dead lifts (yep, still with weights)

Zamporini while we chat…  Ok, while we're here, Skull Crushers

MWAR (Mary With A Rope):  While taking turns on the rope, pax calls of…  Power Knee (request by 9-Lives that we get this on video for the Christmas Party – yes, 9-Lives is already talking about the Christmas Party..), LBCs, WW2 sit-ups, Shoulder-touch Merkins (guess who), Dying Cockroach, Mason Twist, J-Lo, Low Flutters

The sheltered moleskine:

We did stay dry, there was very limited running, much lifting of weights and MWAR.  So really there were no surprises…….  right?

Ok, I admit – I was quite surprised when I looked to my left to see Burgoo planking directly on top of Amen!  Amen on the bench, Burgoo above him planking across the two tables.  Well that was odd.  And awkward.  And uncomfortable.  Well, for Amen at least….

9-Lives continues to post with F3 and then move on to PT training with the Charlotte FD.  That is impressive, brother.  Can't wait to hear more at the Christmas Party…

Today I found out that Amen is on a BRR team.  Wow – that is impressive, brother.  Good luck.  We are all enjoying and inspired by your transformation.

Amen has the Q at The Wilderness Thursday!

Burgoo and Amen for Coffeteria after at 'Bucks.  Enjoyed the fellowship, gents.

It's raining now, sure.  But the temps are perfect for outdoor workouts.  Who have you not seen in a month or few who you call and offer a ride to your next post?  Who have you been EHing or wanting to EH?  Now is prime time.  Speedo season is right around the corner.  Someone needs F3.  Someone is praying for F3.  They may not even know it…  Help them out.  Aye.