Taking It Back to the Old School Gloom Dial Style

16 men came out to see if YHC would keep good on the promise of no burpees.

In honor of the GCC shipping containers (AKA kettlebell storage) going away this week, I wanted to climb over them one more time. We dusted off the Gloom Dial workout circa 2012-2015 and away we went. Here's how it went down.

The Thang:

Think of a big clock with us in the center. we run out to the hour and do the exercise, then run back to the center. when back to the center we did KB curls x 10, skullcrushers x 10 and plank until all are done.


run to field 40 yd bear crawl, 40 yard crabwalk

run to pullup forest 10 pullups

run to hill by I77 partner leg throwdowns x 15

run to left side Hells Ascent Carolina Dry Docks x 20

run to Hells Ascent partner leg presses x 15

run to shipping container climb up over and down

run to patio for 15 Decline mericans, 20 stepups x 2 sets

run to rock pile for bent over rows x10, bent over rows x 15


Freddie Mercury x 25

flutter kicks (led by Hootie) x 25

pretzel crunch (led by Crimson) x 20

elbow plank x 1:15

recover recover



1.Uncle Rico did burpess as always but I didn't tell him too

2. Welcome FNG from Costal College. I'm sorry you've been displaced by Florence but I'm glad you are here. Speaking of that, I'm glad you and Lobster Roll couldn't find anyone at Gladiator this morning so you could come to our real workout.

3. @TBC word on the street was the you fartsacked. Any truth to it?

4. I invited Dallas by name but I still haven't heard from him. Does that guy still do bootcamps or just ride his bike?

5. Bunyun we are so glad you finally got to shoot some grouse brother. I was worried you would be the only guy to hunt something for 30 years and never actually see one. Too bad you had to fly all the way to Montana to see them.

6. Hey Qbert, Nice Drone!

7. @blackbeard if you are reading this. Wax has been trying to sign up on the website for a month. Can we get a secret question that some of us know the answer to? I didn't realize we had such a problem with fraudulent guys posing as F3ers trying to hack our site and pose as PAX.

Until next time.






