Warm – o – rama
- SSH X 20
- pickers X 10
- Arm circles forward and back
- Slow squats X 10
- Mountain Climbers X 10
- Downward dog with alternating knee release
- Pigeon
Filthy 50 COP
- Kettle bell swings – 50 oyo
- Single Count mericans – 50 oyo
- Squats X 25
- Great equalizer to top of bus lot or entrance
- 230+ no bells
- 180 to 230 1 bell
- Less than 180 2 bells
- LBCs with kettle bell X25
- Curls X 25
- Skull Crushers X 25
- Chest Press (on the ground) 50 oyo
- Great equalizer to top of bus lot or entrance
- 230 + no bells
- 180 to 230 1 bell
- Less than 180 2 bells
- Lawnmowers 25 each arm (total of 50)
- Up right rows X 25
- Curls X 25
- Skull Crusher X 25
- Great equalizer to top of bus lot or entrance
- 230 + no bells
- 180 to 230 1 bell
- Less than 180 2 bells
- Balls to the wall with 10 shoulder press
- Partner squats holding on to the fence with partner on you back 10 each partner
- Peoples chair
- Partner squats holding on to the fence with partner on you back 10 each partner
- Pretzel crunch X10 each side
- Xs and Os
- Big baby crunch X20
- Captain/Thor (WWII then hammer increasing each by one until we stop (stopped at 5)
- Elbow plank for rest of time
- Always good to venture out and Q different AOs. Thanks for the invite Ziploc. Also thanks for ordering one of my cutting boards (www.neiljoyce.com if you want to check out what i have for sale) so i could come deliver it.
- Do boys in Denver thought i could only count to multiples of 50 and we all got stronger for it. now doing 10 or 15 curls or skull crushers in cadence doesn't seem as bad
- The great equalizer only had on true Clydesdale today (YHC) but still always great to benefit from being the biggest
- Of course the partner squats (partner on you back) is always a crowd pleaser. Insert joke…too many jokes here. Stiches got the a raw deal for having to squat with me on his back but hey he is young and was in the military.