6 men met in the cool gloom
Warmorama: SSH, Merkins, cherry pickers, plank
The Thang – The “Maggie and Monroe”
- (with some variations)
Knee touch crunches
Heel touches
Freddie Mercury
Dolphins (crunches through the legs)
Side plank left
Side plank right
Leg raises
Gas pump
Low flutter
Scissor kicks
Box cutter
High flutter
Crunchy frogs
Mountain climbers
Peter Parker
- jump squat
- walk out push ups
- swiss alps
- alternating lunge jumps
- burpees alternate=man maker merkins
Mosey, karoake, backwards run, bear crawl the hill + lunges
Rinse and Repeat
The moleskine: a nice mix of quiet and chatter. Discussions including The Fed, stress testing, PA school, Halloween street at Mt Isle Harbor. Prayers for Niko’s friend, those suffering the effects of the hurricane and my recently deceased Aunt and Uncle