Taking on the Pit at Vanquisher

Event Date

Oct 10, 2016

YHC showed up on the scene at Grand Oak Elementary 1 minute late for #thestandard to see one lonely head lamp bobbing through the parking lot, the Stray cat was nice enough to swing around and pick up the 6. Thanks Stray for the accountability! We took a strole up Hugh Torrence hill and into Wynfield only to be ambushed by one of the natives!!!! oh wait it's just Ikea, who joined us on our quest, as he told us of his heartbreak of being stood up by Ultraman and left stranded on the street corner.  We make our way back to the AO 527 to get this show on the road. 

And who do we find? Oh look its Ultraman! We were worried sick! Also Slugger, my Bad News BRR van buddy; Toxic, a regular at the AO but always bringing the fun back; travolta who always has a way of making workouts I consider hard look like a cake walk; and Mule, this guy has definitely drank the Kool-Aid, consistantly 2 posts a week and calling me out for a late backblast!

We all gathered, exchanged pleasantries, and got to work. This is what kind of trouble we got into:



Mosey to shake out the legs

SSH x 15 IC

Cotton Pickers x 15 IC

IST x 15 IC

Merkins x 15 IC


The Thang:

Get that heart rate Up! (all OYO)

Box Jumps x 10

Burpees x 10

Step Ups x 10

Burpees x 10

Great Balls of Shoulders on Fire!

??Bear Crawl length of the concrete balls weaving in and out

Crap walk back through weaving in and out

Mosey over to the Gaga ball pits


Gaga isn't Dead!

?Round 1:

Incline Merkins x 15 IC

Dips x 10 IC

Decline Merkins x 10 IC

Rocks: (rotate 2 to the left each exercise)

Curls x 10 IC

Skull Crushers x 10 IC

Upright Rows x 10 IC

    Repeato Round 1

Round 2:

Incline Merkins x 15 IC

Dips x 10 IC

Decline Merkins x 10 IC


Shoulder Press x 10 IC

Goblet Squat x 10 IC

Chest Press x 10 IC

Repeato Round 2

Take your neighbor's rock back to the pile, back to the pit

One last round of Incline Merkins, Dips, and Decline Merkins

Mosey to the Parking lot


??Low flutters x 20 IC

Mason Twist x 20 IC

Freddy Mercury x 20 IC

Repeato all three

Recover Recover



1.) See top of post^^^

2.) Thanks, as always for allowing me to lead!

3.) Remember that F3 is a gift..give it away

