
Event Date

Mar 26, 2024


Five fellas came out on a cool and cloudy morning to get in some of the core and more.  Apropos of nothing, it was quite good.


  • Nicer weather (i.e., finally above 35 degrees Fahrenheit on a Tuesday morning) looks to be sign of good things to come for the remainder of the year
  • There are college enrollment “cliff” concerns for universities that need the tuition dollars from the financial crisis back in 2008 and Covid impacting enrollment, but perhaps this enrollment cliff will help the relative standing of future college applicants
  • Heard some of Pax tales of planned hikes and recent hikes in Pisgah with the Fryars
  • Q brought his older and extroverted Big Brother (not Ragbrai) to brew day this past weekend. Safe to say among all who attended that he absolutely crushed it, and hilarity ensued
  • Tales of Dr Evil included additional education of southern vernacular and pronunciation. Neuropathy in ones feet is better known as a “Tanglin’ in my feets” within the county of Gaston
  • Did you hear the one about the 399 pound guy who presented with symptoms of penile erosion caused by his girlfriend unsatiable desire to perform fellatio on him? The moral of this rather sordid story is that there may still be hope for all of us
  • Great work fellas!