Tank Season Has Arrived

10 pax rolled into the Cauldron with their bells, ready to put in some work.

0500: Auto, DonHo, and YHC met the Standard.  Brief discussion beforehand on what that equates to.  3+ miles is always sufficient, but something less than 3 is also sufficient, provided that it still amounts to ~25+ minutes of movement.

0530: Circle up, disclaimer.


  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Slow Squat x 10 IC
  • Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC
  • Overhead Clap x 10 IC
  • Seal Clap x 10 IC


  • KB Two-Handed Curl x 10 IC
  • KB Upright Row x 10 IC
  • KB One-Arm Press (or Push Press) x 10 OYO each arm
  • KB Sumo Squat x 10 IC
  • KB Skullcrusher x 10 IC
  • KB Lawnmower x 10 OYO each arm
  • KB Swings x 20 OYO

Mosey lap around lot.  Repeato above sequence.

Partner up.

Round 1

  • P1 farmer carry 2 KB to pull-up bars, 10 pull-ups, flex curl carry 2 KB back to lot.
  • P2 lap around lot, then WWII situps AMRAP until partner returns
  • Flip-flop

Round 2

  • P1 farmer carry 2 KB to school side entrance, 20 KB shoulder shrugs while in People's Chair, flex curl carry 2 KB back to lot
  • P2 lap around lot, then Freddy Mercury AMRAP until partner returns
  • Flip-flop

Round 3

  • P1 farmer carry 2 KB to end of lot, 20 mericans with hands on KBs, flex curl carry 2 KB back to lot
  • P2 lap around lot, then Low Flutter AMRAP until partner returns
  • Flip-flop

Everyone grab their own bell.  Mosey as a group to benches behind smaller playground.

  • KB Goblet Box Squat x 10 IC (touch your six to the bench on each rep)
  • Dip x 15 IC
  • Seated Concentration Curl OYO – to failure, each arm

Repeato above, minus the Concentration Curls.

Mosey back to lot and circle up.

  • KB Alternating Stepback Lunge with Twist x 10 OYO
  • KB Press + Situp Combo x 10 OYO
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Mason Twist x 20 IC
  • Merican x 10 IC
  • Elbow Plank 30 sec
  • SSH x 20 IC

Recover, recover.


  • Nice work by the pax on a muggy morning.  We didn't get the rain that was in the forecast.  In hindsight, some rain might have been refreshing, although it was nice to not have to spend another Cauldron under the overhang in the rear of the school.
  • Immediate complaints from the pax when YHC failed to call SSH as the first exercise.  Tossed them in at the end so the pax would not feel cheated.  You're welcome.  Cobains to Auto for having left out the Moroccan Nightclubs.  I know how much you love them.  Maybe next time.
  • Nice to have Titan and Duvall take a break from Odyssey route to join us for a few minutes.  Duvall grabbed a spare dumbbell and knocked out some reps, while Titan did some "air skullcrushers."
  • Pax found the flex curl carries to be challenging to hold, especially for the entirety of the long walk back from the pull-up bars.  YHC agreed, but tried to hold them anyway.  Pax might feel they were a throwaway, but YHC liked them, and is going to bring them back someday.  That's a promise.
  • Concentration curls were totally emasculating for YHC.  Couldn't even do one decent rep with my 30# bell with either arm.  Not going to bring that one back until YHC gets much stronger.
  • Dingo's canine Gracie was making the rounds this morning, performing the wet tongue to the face move while pax were on their backs.  When Gracie lays into you with her tongue, it's best to just let her finish…. or otherwise wait until she chooses another target.  DH unwittingly made himself a target by reveling too loudly while YHC was getting slobbered on.
  • Thanks to Ultraman for the opportunity to lead the pax this morning, and thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH back in June 2016.  Forever grateful.
