Tank top day at work

Event Date

May 14, 2024


Everyone gets a little Q credit today for the joint Q effort after a last minute audible when Toby had to cancel due to illness. You know it’s legit when Toby calls in sick – hopefully he can maintain his Q lead in the standings after missing a day. The rain held off long enough for us to get in a solid 43 mins (see what happens when you’re not there, Toby!) of elevated heart rate on another beautiful May morning. YHC rocked his first tank top of the season at work after all the block work and dips and was immediately informed by HR I had to go home and change, but still, I could tell the coworkers were definitely impressed even though they didn’t really look up from their cubes or acknowledge me and my Suns Out, Guns Out awesome tank.


  • We all got in on the warm up action after a quick lap around the parking lot. SSHs, mountain climbers, IST’s, all the classics were called


  • We started with 25 step ups each leg to get the HR going, followed it up with some dips. I wanted to get in a little shoulder work today so we grabbed a block and super setted some shoulder presses and front block raises – 3 sets. Freedom called a lap with pain stations. Zare had us do some slow curls and shelf stocking. Hoff had us doing some line hops. And apologies to Turnpike for already forgetting what he called – I’m old, I can barely remember what day it is – this is why old people should do their BB’s same day. We finished off with a little pull-up work by holding for 30 seconds in the up position.


  • I remember some jacknife LBC’s, some pretzel crunches, some V holds, and some slow supermans.


  • Toby doesn’t take many days off so when he sends out the Q alert you gotta respond. Hopefully just a 24 hr thing and he was back at it on Wednesday. 
  • Great work from everyone today – not scared of the threat of a little rain
  • Good to see Hoff back at it more recently – the time off didn’t impact his elite fitness levels
  • Freedom isn’t just a rucker like some guys – he can still bootcamp with the best of them
  • Turnpike still on the mend, but keeping his mind strong with a book a week – he is single handedly keeping the Isotope IQ average above 100
  • Thanks to Drebin for the chance to lead this morning – hope he crushes his marathon this weekend so he can get back to real workouts soon.