Tanner’s Creek Don’t Know Jack About Feng Shui

Event Date

Nov 12, 2018


6 pax posted to Titan on a chilly Monday morning for 4 miles at a 8:30-8:45ish pace with a few pain stations, launching at 0530 from Hopewell HS and winding through Tanner's Creek neighborhood.

5 of these pax also got a couple warmup miles in, launching at 0510 and running through Latta Springs neighborhood (across Beatties Ford from Hopewell) before circling back for the main event.

Exercises were as follows:

Warmup: SSH x 15 IC, Windmill x 10 IC

At Mile 1: CDD x 20 OYO, WWII Situp x 10 OYO

At Mile 2: Hand Release Merican x 10 OYO, LBC x 20 OYO

At Mile 3: Squat x 10 IC, Low Flutter x 20 IC

Recover, recover.


  • The pax all agreed, Tanner's Creek is lacking for feng shui.  Scholars have observed that "[u]nrelenting curves create an environment that is utterly disorienting.  It is no wonder that so many people associate visiting suburbia with getting lost."  (p. 18)  YHC certainly would have gotten the pax lost this morning had I not been carrying my phone with the map pulled up.  So many curves and turns.  And yet every street seemed to be one of "Tanner's Creek Dr" or "Summer Serenede Dr" or "April Mist Trail."
  • YHC's left hand was frozen solid by the end of the run due to having to operate the phone gloveless.
  • The pax were on McIlwaine for what seemed like only a couple minutes, but it was terrifying.  Almost as dangerous as Beatties Ford.
  • PopTart was accused of wearing Nike performance pantyhose.
  • Bob Ross was the only Titan regular to make an appearance today.  Glad to have you join us brother.
  • Thanks to Jaws for letting YHC lead the pax while he was OOT.  Thanks to my Goatbuster brothers for the support today.  And thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016.
