Tax Day at Titan

Event Date

Apr 15, 2019


My VQ at Titan happened to land on April 15, tax day. So 4 men joined me for 3 miles, ample sets of “W2”s (the W with a hard count at 2), 1099s in various ways (sets of 10, and even the “99” version of the 100). 

We started warmorama with 99 SSHs, then 10 W2s, then took off for Dirt’s house as he liked the PB then chose the fartsack over getting his forms in place with the rest of us. Monkey Hummers and W2s were performed on his sidewalk. 

At Mortimer Hill, we took it on hard and fast like a family submitting their taxes at the last hour, then we quadrophelia’ed the last stretch of incline  

we returned in time for MWAR and a file lap to round out the 3 miles.

It was especially good to be with these men this morning.  Thanks for the invite, Jaws.