Teamwork in the Gloom

17 PAX (2 FNGs, Apache not in system) escaped the siren call of their fartsacks to battle the Sad Clown in the Gloom. They were rewarded with dry skies but YHC managed to find some puddles for them to roll around in.

We moseyed around the parking lot incorporating high knees, butt kickers, karaoke and quadrophilia, ending near the shovel flag. Apache gave a quick history of the shovel flag and led the PAX in the pledge of allegiance.

Circled up for warm up with side straddle hops x 20 IC. Apache took the reins for the rest of the warm up with SSH, seal jacks, arm circles, mountain climbers, Americans  (all X5 IC ).
with the PAX sufficiently warm, it was time to get the hearts beating a little faster. YHC had the packs line up in two rows. 50% Sprint to the next island,  hand release 'mericans x5 OYO. 75% sprint to the next island, repeato HRM X5 OYO. Full speed sprint to the next island, HRM X5 OYO. Turn it around, quadrophilia to the previous island, HRM X5 OYO. Repeto to the next island, and repeato back to the start.
With the blood pumping it was time for some brotherly bonding. Pax were instructed to group up in groups of threes ( there were two groups of four due to numbers which led to no small amount of confusion) one packs from each group grabbing a cinder block. The exercise was named 3's Company, partner a at one end of the parking lot, partner B at the far end of the parking lot, and partner C ready to run from A to B. A and B doing exercises, C runs from A to B. When C gets to B, C starts that exercise, and B runs over to A, relieving them of their exercise and so on. One round is complete when all partners have completed both exercises once, then on to the next round.
Round one: shoulder press, curb merkins.
Round two: goblet squats and Rocky Balboa's.
Round three: thrusters, dips.
After we wrapped up that cluster F#@$, YHC took the packs on a little tour of the grounds, up to the upper parking lot. Since the PAX had some troubles with groups of three, we split into groups of two this time. Partner A people's chair against the wall while partner B runs to the other side of the parking lot and back to relieve his partner. Until all packs have done three rounds of people's chair.
Sensing the mumble chatter on the rise, YHC resorted to a favorite mumble chatter silencer, burpees and sprints! YHC figured if the PAX couldn't breathe, they couldn't talk. So YHC had the packs line up in a single line across at the first basketball hoop. Instructions were simple, run to the next basketball hoop, do a burpee, run back and do another burpee. Repeato to the next basketball hoop and so on. Sure enough, not far in the mumble chatter quieted down significantly, at least for a little bit. With the PAX breathing heavy, YHC instructor them to circle up for some people's choice Mary.
People's choice Mary, fairly straightforward around the circle each pack picks an exercise and counts it off. YHC won't pretend to remember all of the 17 exercises called, but here are a few: Apache kick things off with American hammers, 66 followed up with Homer to Marge, then we had some big baby crunches, WWII sit-ups, Peter Parker's, shoulder touch Americans by snake eyes of course, Jane Fonda's, dying cockroach, w, "Dot the I" by Toxic in honor of the team he referred to as the best in the country, And finally YHC closed it out with 30 seconds of airborne mindbender. YHC instructed the PAX to mosey back to the start, put away the blocks and we circled up for COT with 30 seconds to spare.
-We had 2 FNG's named, bot EHed by Apache out of Rock Hill. Will was named Bradley, in honor of his favorite fighting vehicle from service the BFV. Michael accidentally introduced himself as having 3 wives and one kid (or at least that's how the PAX heard it) which prompted the name Johnny Utah from Jedi. Welcome gents! We hope to see y'all again in the gloom!
-Apache kicked off the announcements by handing out a scratch-off ticket to the hosting MQ (Mona Lisa) and a honorary deer leg to the Q YHC.
-Thanks to Apache and his EH's for coming out, and thanks to all the LKN PAX who helped give them a warm welcome.
-The weather report was calling for rain but there was none in sight for the workout, YHC still managed to get the PAX fairly soaked.
– PAX help out your MQs and get on the calendar.  Don't make your MQ track you down and EH you, step up and lead!
All in all, great way to kick off a Tuesday Morning, see y'all in the Gloom