Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Event Date

Nov 07, 2017

An even six MILF3 teammates made it out for the first daylight savings workout of the fallback season to help teamwork make the dreamwork. It started out innocently enough, but then got awkward.


Dynamic stretching platter and banter

The Thang

And now for something completely different. Everybody grab a partner/teammate. Teammates were Natty/911, El Tigre/Grip, and Oktoberfest/Arizona. Perform variety of partner exercises to make the dream work. Exercises were as follows:

Mosey to Play 60 area

  • Assisted pull-ups (5). Partner grabs legs for five pull-ups if partner in need of a boost

  • One partner plank on arms, one do decline mercan with feet on partners back – 10 single count then switch

Mosey to back lot

  • Partner squat – arms crossed and connected as go down and up for 10 – first sign of awkwardness

  • One plank, other do burpee and jump over planking partner and do burpee on other side (3 burpees on each side) then switch

  • Face each other planking. High five and opposite leg up at same time – 10

  • Partner pull. One on ground with arm connected to guy standing. Help pull up. Other goes to ground after first gets up – 10

  • One on sixes and ready to do sit-up/LBC, other with hands placed on partner knees for dips. Guy on top does dips while guy on bottom does LBC's – do this for the seemingly longest single count to 10 that has ever occurred.

  • Partner push/OH press. One sits with arms overhead. Other partner behind and provide resistance when other pushes hands up in shoulder press – 10 then switch

  • Wheelbarrow 20 yards then switch

  • Shuttle run with other guys holding hips (aborted quickly, but was actually effective)

  • Mercans facing each other and slap hands – 10

  • Partner lunge. Connect hands. One lunge forward while other lunge back. Kinda looks like dancing – 10 each side

  • Ankle throwdowns on hill decline – 10

  • Face each other. Mercan down then shuffle to right. Mercan down then shuffle to left – 8 or 10 but was very hard to count

  • Front guy on knees, partner holding legs. Front guy slowly leans forward and back (aborted)

  • Legs face each other. Do leg lift circles in tandem. Then switch rotation. Then do an alternate version where one guy does a leg lift wide and one guy goes narrow. Then switch rotations. Did 10 in cadence 4 different ways

  • Assisted pull-ups (5). Partner grabs legs for five pull-ups if partner in need of a boost


Pax sampler pack:

  • Freddie Mercury – Natty Lite

  • WWII sit-ups – Grip

  • Low flutter – Arizona

  • Mason Twist – El Tigre


  • Q picked the workout due to 1) reference made to this during a recent workout, 2) variety is the spice of life and 3) it involved very little to no running

  • Q shared his concerns with the race on Saturday race and his continuing calf strain/tweak issues. Pax was extremely supportive….he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm

  • Natty partnered up early.

  • Oktoberfest and Arizona focused on winning the early exercises then selectively abstaining from others as they deemed appropriate to continue this winning. They passed on the grass portion of the exercises due to inability for the teammates to agree who would sit in the wet spot

  • Calf cramp! Pressure was immediately applied to the cramping area by his partner. That is some first responding, and validating a lot about the proper choice in partner selection

  • We may have found a new form of initiation/hazing for FNGs (the dip/LBC partner combo). That will really get the posting numbers up

  • If Q is going out for a run that will last 4.5 or so hours, you can bet he is gonna pack some provisions and food for the journey

  • Which can stretch farther, the twig or the berries? If you have "Respect" during circle time, it is likely the latter

  • The back-blast copy editor has really been working overtime to tastefully convey the spirit of these discussions whilst not violating FCC decency rules

  • 911 was Baryshnikov-like on the partner lunges, with good posture and clean lines. Jean found a keeper

  • Picked a really bad day to not wear any underwear

  • Doc: So how did you manage to get a stress fracture in both of your knees? Patient: Some fat arse was dipping on me. Wanna see how?

  • Happy 11th birthday to Peyton. His awesome dad is taking him to WWE Smackdown to celebrate next week, and you can bet that there will be a workout theme to follow soon thereafter

  • Have you noticed recently that both food and drink seem quite crushable? Well then, it must be due to the fact that we are about two weeks into Eating Season which will last until the day after the Super Bowl (February 5th for those of you scoring at home). As a reminder, there are no limits on intake during eating season, but please manage your outtake appropriately, you fat bastahd

  • I feel like the Pax sensitivity training has really made an impact. The last time we tried this workout there was no eye contact made between the Pax for at least two weeks, no discussion at all of the workout, and some showing the classic signs of PTSD.Proud of the growth all have shown

  • Teamwork really does make the dream work!