Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Tantrum, Turnpike, 98 Degrees and myself took on the Triple Down starting with a muggy River Rat 10k, and a friendly Excelsior.  Tantrum supposedly had to take the kids to a “swim meet”, but the rest of us pushed on through and stumbled our way through a triple down!

14 PAX showed up for who knows what on a hot and muggy Saturday morning.  Code Blue showed up with a clown car of adolescents bringing the average age down significantly (Stars, Stripes, Cheerwine and FNG I believe). With no Q on the calendar, we decided to go with the divide and conquer approach, with myself, turnpike, freedom and 98 degrees each taking 15 minutes of the Q.  Turnpike kicked things off and immediately took us off campus for a warm up.  And warm up we did indeed, starting with SSH into happy jacks.  Then when our calves were smoked, TP switched the pain to the shoulders with circles forwards, overhead claps, underhand claps and circles backwards, the only rule being not to put your arms down (YHC broke that rule several times!).  A few ‘Mericans and slow deep squats later the PAX were properly warmed up an YHC took the reigns.

YHC let the PAX with a slow mosey over to the track were conveniently (left from Excelsior) some blocks awaited us.  PAX split into teams of 3 (some 4) and did a modified 3 person Dora, with one Pax doing a block exercise, another planking about 100 feet away, and the third running from one to the other and flapjacking.  We started out with 200 shoulder presses as a team (audibled to 150 for sake of time), then to 200 squats (again audibled to 150), then two rounds of curls (no count).  Done with the blocks, we lunge walked across the parking lot, stopped for some curb dips (x10 IC), then proceeded to mosey up to the upper lot/playground where YHC thought 98 Degrees wanted to go, stopping at 3 spots for some more curb dips on the way.

98 Degrees took over, and apparently, he was talking about the other playground (which YHC ran the PAX away from), but went with the flow and made it work.  In the same 3 or 4 person teams we did some more dora, this time one PAX doing 5 pull ups, one PAX doing rocky balboa on other side of parking lot, and one running between (PAX doing pullups keeping pace).  Going for 5 sets of 5, halfway we audibled from rocky balboas to mountain climbers.  There were crunches in there somewhere too, but at that point YHC was more focused on not splashing merlot, and I don’t recall how they fit in!  Once done with the circuit, we finished up with some WW2 situps and some shoulder touch ‘Mericans (shout out to Snake Eyes who couldn’t join us).  With his 15 minutes up, 98 handed the reigns over to Freedom to finish things off.

Freedom led the PAX on an Indian run around the school, ending up pretty close to where we started, but with one key difference…this time we were next to the walls.  The PAX soon started to loathe the walls as we did People’s chair (with air press and heel touches), then into Balls-to-the-Wall, a good old fashioned shuttle run, then back to the wall for some more peoples chair.  Those that were able held their arms out in front (YHC was not one of those, as 98 and Freedom made clear!).  After the PAX sufficiently loathed the walls, Freedom took us on a mosey back to the car area for some mary.  Mary started out tame enough with some LBCs’ and pretzel crunches, but low flutter into Homer-to-Marge into low dolly quickly stamped out the remaining mumble chatter as PAX (YHC included) struggled just to keep their feet off the ground.

No major announcements during COT, other than YHC sharing our good news from our Dr. appointment earlier in the week (more on that below).  An FNG second post who Baller dragged out had to cut out before he could be named, though Baller has some thoughts in mind and will make sure he gets named at the next workout.


All in all it was a great day.  The PAX put in some great work, and I appreciate Turnpike, 98 Degrees and Freedom for stepping up and helping YHC carry the load today.  I slacked a little on my MQ duties this week and didn’t secure a Q, but I new I could count on the Estate Faithful to come through and help me out!  Baller also offered to help, but he looked like he had wayyy too much energy so YHC thought better of giving him the reigns! 

I mentioned the good news report YHC gave.  For those of you who hadn’t heard, the M and I have been going through a roller coaster of a few weeks.  I didn’t broadcast the info too much, mainly because I was still processing it all, but basically it went like this: The M and I decided we wanted to start having kids (happy), my wife had her IUD removed, there was a “rare and unique” complication (confusion), a follow up ultrasound and Dr. appointment told us there is a very strong chance that due essentially to Doctor’s error 9 years ago, we may be looking at a 95% chance my M would never be able to get pregnant (devastation)….  This led to two weeks of anxiety, prayer, contemplation, tears and a very longgggg Fathers Day weekend as we waited for our endoscopy appointment.  I told God I trusted his will but still begged him for clarity.  Monday came, we went to the Doctor’s office, knowing either they would remove it and everything would be fine, or they wouldn’t, and our worst fears would come true.  Well, I probably spoiled this part at the start but to make a long story short, the Doctor explained that they were unexpectedly able to remove the blockage, and we should be in the clear!  YHC and the M have spent the rest of the week celebrating and praising God!  (hence the lack of focus and slippage of my MQ duties).  BIG thanks to all the PAX who lent their support and prayers, it meant a lot to know we had that support, which ever outcome came to pass.  And now, it was put a little differently by the PAX during Saturday’s workout, but the M and I are very much looking forward to fervently “initiating the miracle of life”!

