Tempo Thursday is a Thang

Event Date

Dec 20, 2018


8 hard-chargers stormed the 7 mile tempo route launching from BRP leaving a deer & a cat in their wake. Here is their story:



Snoopy, Hoodie, Auto, Anchovy, TC, Full Moon, & YHC launched for 1 mile warm-up



Oh look there's Lego, he should join us

Recover recover



  • Picked up Lego about a mile into the tempo but he was gone & never looked back
  • Hoodie doesn't know the meaning of hot…Snoopy is happy to fill you in
  • TC, Hoodie, Snoopy, or Lego were flyin', hit a deer, and left it for dead on Davidson-Concord Rd
  • Auto kept just enough distance from YHC not to get coughed on & proceeded to crush the tempo as he said he would
  • Anchovy crushed his first tempo on this route & discovered Griffith Hill in the process…strong work brother
  • Full Moon forgot we were running tempo 6 miles in and decided hills and a couple extra miles was harder so he did that…awesome work today brother…glad we found you
  • Fun morning in ideal conditions this morning. Posted the pb just so Garcia could find our super secret run but I guess he decided he would get in his 22 miles somewhere else. Maybe next week. Thanks to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. You guys rocked it today. Until the next time…