Ten Enduring the Rain for the Veterans on Their Day

The early AM prediction was dire, 90% rain at 6 AM, drizzling before and after, but there was a sure certitude that if you showed up, you'd be getting wet.  That said, 9 men gathered in moisture and under light rain then mozied West to coverage for a splendid 'warm up', where these Pax were joined by a liesurely Loveshack*itwasntme*, who folded promptly into the mold.

Warm-Ups-Mozy to coverage, IC- SSH 15, 1 burpee, IST 15, 2 burpees (B), SDS 10, 3B's, Calf Raises 20, 4B's, Heal Slappers 10, 5B's, CDD's 15, 6B's, Merkins 10, 7B's, Single Leg Squat R 10, 8B's, L 10, 9B's, Runner's Stretches, 10 B's, CP's 10, 11B's

The Thang- Mozy next door to our splendid wall- Iron Chair for 90 sec. Mozy West even more to wall, IC Peer Lead reps of Dips 15 by Loveshack, Inclines 10 by Soul Glo, Declines 12 by Usain.  Mozy via Native American Run to Ferguson Kitchen parking lot, partner up-  5 Stations- PACE= 20 Merkins, Peter Parkers, CDD's, Line Hops, Calf Raises.  Once the Merkins station was set up, they'd yell 'START', then 'STOP' after their 20 Merks were complete, all would rotate to the next station, 2 (two) rounds. Mozy back to Stroker Ace's old joint for coverage and..

Mary IC-Low Flutter 15, LBC 15, W's 10, Pickle Pounders 15, Mac Targets 10. Recover, recover.


-The 'escalation' to 11 burpees were in honor of our Veterans, who put their lives on the line for our country.  Thank you kindly for your service.  

-Loveshack, what with 4 kids at home, a wife to entertain, and a flourishing financial business, needed a few extra winks.  He's earned it.

-Chief's 'hurt words' regarding vertically challenged Native Americans did not go unnoticed and he was rebuked immediately by the Q.  Such maligned comments regarding Indians cannot be tolerated, at least prior to what would become a solid 'Stations Set'.*please-no*

-Deep End posted on Slack the the coverage provided, at no cost, by the Q was insufficient for his liking, and pointed out that the Q should have sought coverage EARLIER.  Well, Mr. End, let it be known that the ENTIRE Post was PENNED, in detail, with 4 minute aliquots, and as such PART (not all) of the stations occurred in a heavy downpour.  If this type of 'exposure' is displeasurable for you, then why……there's always a 'dry' fartsack waiting for you on Wednesday mornings!*headbang*

-Thanks to all Pax that showed for CERTAIN wetness, and to our celebrity guest rep counters (CGRC) Soul Glo, Loveshack, and Usain.*clapping*

-Cheezwiz, thanks for the keys, she's a beaut.  To my fellow FCRCUSA, you are 'Freed to Lead', please do so*headphones*