Test Backblast Please Ignore

Event Date

Feb 22, 2017

Pax arrived to much discussion around the pay-to-play crowd (Papa just admired the yoga pants).  Shortly thereafer the distrations ended and the work began…


  • Mosey around DPK
  • High Knees / Butt Kickers
  • SSH x 20
  • IST x 20
  • Cotton Pickers x 20


  • Run approx 1 mile up to the Canterbury loop.  Path included a detour to a short wooded trail behind the tennis courts and Holbrook playground, much mumble chatter about nails in the ground and being afraid of the dark.
  • Arrive at Canterbury, plank-jack into a mack-tar-jai (plank-tar-jai) x10, sprint approx 100 yards up the loop, WWII into a leg lift (bananarama) x 10, mosey back to start.
  • Repeat… repeat… repeat again!
  • Run home.  Quick stop for LBC x 20.


  • So little time left!
  • Peter Parker x 10
  • Parker Peter x 10
  • Hip Dip x 10
  • Plank out the clock


Fearless leader Freedom is always missed.  Covered approx 3 miles tonight, strong work everyone!  Plank-tar-jai's are awesome (and by awesome I mean terrible).  Bananarama's are stupid (and by stupid I mean stupid).  Weather was finally nice enough for us to NOT stink up Craft Beer Guys afterwards – enjoyed brewskis under the stars.  Loved the stories of everyone's first post and naming, such terrible experiences – takes a special kind of stupid to keep doing this stuff.  Yours in stupidity – Jaws.