Test Time at The Foundry

The Thang:

7 men met the standard plus two hounds who like to run. Then YHC rolls back into the AO to find more hounds and many more men. There was questions by the regulars if there was a convergance to which YHC replyed lots of guys want to see how soft I have gotten in old age. 


– 20 SSH, 10 Windmills, 20 ISS,

– Perrier lead some of his regionally famous squats

– 15 Toy Soldiers, Mosey to the front of the church

Partner Up for Army PT Testing:

Men of 37-41 years of age require the following for a perfect score:

73 Pushups, 76 Situps, 6:45min mile 

After some grumbling the pax attempted to pass the test

20 mins later we regrouped for some peoples chair, followed by balls to the wall and then mosey to the rocks

Rock Pile:

– 10X curls, 10 Skull Crushers, 10 squat to press, 10 bent over rows, 20 chest press

– all of the above while rotating 3 to the left to keep it interesting


– 20 LBCs, 10 Burpees, 10 Crunchy Frogs by Dingo, lots of Hold its by DonHo, 40 second plank

– Coffee


– Great to see 21 guys in the gloom and working hard and pushing themselves, welcome back to some fellas who haven't been out in a while.

– The test will return in 60-70 days to see your level of improvement

– Every day is an opportunity to get stronger and make an impact on the people around you

– Thanks to Caboose, Qbert, Bunyan or whomever the MQ is at this joint for allowing me in. 

– Today and everyday I am greatful for the men of F3, the friendships I have made and the sharpening I have recieved from this group. I am proud to be associated with such a strong group of HIMs. 

Till the next time, 
