Today we remember those who put others before themselves. We are ALL thankful for those that go without so we can go with. 


We left no man behind for this workout!!

Monkey humper (x10)

1 Burpee

Sprint 40 feet (x2)

frog jump (20 ft) x2

Soldier crawl (20 ft)

Sprint 40 feet

Merican 3 count (x10)

Squat 3 count (x10)

Merican 3 count (x10)

Squat 3 count (x10)

Merican unknown number 3 count (x5) – (x1)

Squat unknown number 3 count (x5) – (x1)

Sprint 40 feet

(Pray for those that gave)

Sprint 40 feet (x2)

Side straddle hop (x10)

Low Dolly (x10)

Side straddle hop (x10)

Low Dolly (x10)

Side straddle hop (x10) – (x2) even number

Low Dolly (x9) – (x3) odd number

1 burpee

300-meter sprint

Lower body stretching


As we go through life we never know when our day is or will be out last. Give all that you can for that day because that is all that is promised to us (Matthew 6 34) Take God’s glory with you and always be ready Romans 13.
