Thankful for HIM

The Eller family would like to thank you personally for your love and support the past two weeks. I can’t even begin to tell you how much a meal or gift card has blessed us. When you barely have enough energy (physically or mentally) to keep your head up while trying to juggle work, kids, and being two places at once, not having to worry about a meal has been such a gift. You didn’t have to do anything at all, but you did. Our family is forever grateful and we have felt your prayers and support.

When I came to F3 over two years ago, I received much more than a workout, I made lifelong connections. We will never be able to repay you for your kindness, but what we can (and will) do is emulate it and share the light for others who may also need our help in the future. Thank you for being my friends and my brothers.

Below is my wife’s first post that she just did on Wednesday since the event. We haven’t really been able to talk much about it because the PTSD is so raw and real. Loss in general is hard, but this event will take a while for us to heal.

Again, thank you. I love all of you.


From Amy:

It’s been almost four weeks since my daddy entered heaven. I’d like to share a few things with you, if you’ll permit me to.

1) This double rainbow appeared over the site of the accident the following evening. We hadn’t been outside most of the day – and if I’m being honest, it’s still too painful to be outside at Mama and Daddy’s house – but God gave us a sign of peace and His promises at the exact moment we were out there. Deuteronomy 31:8 says, “The Lord Himself goes before you and He will be with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you.” Our family has personally experienced that.

2) I am sometimes tempted to ask God, “Why did such a kind and humble man have to be taken in such a painful and sudden way, where we didn’t even really get to say goodbye?” But then, I think about God’s goodness to us. God provided a way for us to be together with Daddy (and with Him) for eternity through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. He knows our pain. And we are able to do this just by placing our faith in Him. We’d never be “good” enough to earn it on our own, but Jesus was. So, we will see Daddy again, healed and whole. But not only did God send His Son for us as a victory over death, He also sent the Holy Spirit to be with us, to comfort us, to help us, sustain us, and guide us. He knew what we would need long before we did. He is so good to us. Psalm 34:18 says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” We have felt that over and over these past few weeks.

3) If you live in the Elkin/Ronda area and don’ have a church home, you will find a home at Macedonia Baptist. We could not have been loved better by our friends there. There is such a sweet fellowship and genuine love there. And while I was at home with Mama, our friends at Lake Forest Church-Huntersville, Storyhill Church, and John’s F3 group have taken care of our family at home through meals, gifts, gift cards etc. The Body of Christ is a beautiful thing. You won’t find any of these churches to be perfect, because nothing has been since the Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden, but I’d say they’re the closest thing to it on this Earth. They have all been the hands and feet of Jesus to us and have met our basic needs when we were weary to, along with other friends. I wish I could name everyone, but I don’t want to leave anyone out-there are over a hundred people that have ministered to our family since Daddy’s passing!

4) I know I have friends with diverse beliefs, whom I love a respect. But wouldn’t be a good friend if I didn’t share with you the Reason for my hope, the One who makes things that seem unbearable, bearable. Because HE (Jesus) lives, we can face tomorrow! If you don’t know about Him, or if you just have questions, I’d love to take you out for coffee or dinner, or if you’re far away, I will give you my number and we can talk! He loves you!
