Thanks F3 Pittsburgh

Event Date

Jun 09, 2022

Twas a humid morning. Not just a little bit, either. More like swampy-in-your-pants kind of humid. 9 warriors embraced the luxurious wet suana of this morning, although sometimes a dry infrared sauna at Beam in Birkdale Village is nice too (you're welcome Hotbox).

Grab dem bells and head to the back of the parking lot.

The Thang

So I saw one of our outer region F3 bretheren post about an F3 Pittsburgh workout called SMACK TALK. Turns out this is very ironic because the mumble chatter was suuuuuuper low today.

You got to do a down ladder of each of the following (10 reps, 9 reps, 8 reps, etc). Super duper easy right? Oh yea, we also had to set a repeating 1 minute timer for 3X burpees AKA burpee EMOM. Ouch.

  • Squat (goblet-style)
  • Merkin
  • Alpo (this is an upright row)
  • Curl
  • KB Swing
  • Thruster
  • Alternating Row (2 is 1)
  • Lunge w/ KB (2 is 1)
  • Knee to Elbow (2 is 1; we interpreted this as Freddie Mercury)



  • Hearing a whistle every minute telling you it's ALREADY time to do 3X burpees again is demoralizing. Many of us have undergone this mindsuck as part of Iron Pax challenge, but it still sucked. And it sucked especially for those who hadn't. Turns out expletives are also EMOM.
  • EVERYONE in Isotope can do this. We measured ourselves NOT on how far down the ladder we got, but on how big of a sweat pile we left behind. Everyone left a massive sweat spot on the asphalt. That is the true measure of an F3 workout. Not how fast you went, not finishing at the front of the pack, not how big your KB is. HOW HARD DID YOU PUSH YOURSELF?
  • Boat Gusters out in full force, as per the contract.
  • Sad not to see a single Goat Buster. You know our rivalry is fake, right? Like, we're allowed to workout together.
  • MH has nice chest hair.
  • CB took off his shirt (finally)
  • The two biggest sweat spots belong to Enron and Enron.
  • Hotbox thinks the timer was set to shorter than 1 minute.
  • Slingshot was characteristically quiet.
  • Jobe was uncharacterstically quiet.
  • AM-PM is a Dragon Slayer regular.
  • Dingo is now a Boat Guster.