Thanks Springfield

Event Date

Jul 09, 2016

YHC received a phone call from the one we call Springfield yesterday.  Given he didn't have Q in place he said he was going to Q the Beacon.  YHC could tell he wasn't 100% excited about it and, in a round about way, was searching for a Q.  YHC told him that there could be a co-q and he agreed.  At 6:45 Springfield sent a text and said he wasn't going to make it.  The originator of #SaveTheBeacon had just pulled an L10 and didn't show. 

With that being said, YHC was thrown a curveball and like the glory days, hit one out of the park….at least that's how it will be remembered.


Circle up near the ballfield for Warmarama

1 Burpee
2 Burpees
3 Burpees
4 Burpees
5 SSH 
5 Burpees
10 Merkins
Hold last merkin in a plank and bear crawl to the the other side of the parking lot.
10 yards and back – 15 Atomic Burpees (two Merkins)
30 yards and back – 10 Atomic Burpees
50 yards and back – 5 Atomic Burpee
REPEATO – with Clap Merkins
30 LBC's IC
Mosey to Hells Ascent and Partner Up
Partner 1 – run around the church
Partner 2 – quadriphilia the 1/2 way up the hill, to alternating lunges with each leg, 10 deep squats (REPEAT until Partner 1 returns)

Flap Jack and REPEATO

This is the part where Springfield would have taken over, so everything from here on out was a complete audible….

30 LBC's

Introduce the PAX to a modified PAIN CLOCK

24 CCD in Cadence
Bear crawl 10 yards and half way up the hill 
12:00 Merkins X 12 IC
12 Burpeees

REPEATO at 9, 6 and 3 on the hill

30 LBC's

Mosey 25 Yards

Contra Burpee X 10
(Broad Jump Burpee and add an additional merkin to a total of 10)

30 Low Flutters – Zuul

Mosey to Pull Up Forest

10 Pull Ups
20 Dips

Mosey to the front of the church for some Mary.

30 Dying Cockroach IC

1 Minute Plank



– Always a blast to Q….even when thrown a curveball. 
– Greyhoud posted but isn't on the website.  Need to get him in and access.
– The PAX continued to say Thanks Springfield during the entire post….
– Not an official confirmation of Merlot from Ramrod, but we know something happened.
– Zuul – just so you know, the workout begins at 7.
– Random mumble chatter from Firestone, Junk and Blackberry this am.
– Packer is a stud.
– Great to meet Smash.
– Prayers for our country…those involved and effected by the shooting in TX. Prayers for Suitcases daughter and continued prayers for Olive and his family.
– GCC is a great AO and where I was first introduced to this crazy thing called F3. If you haven't been to GCC for The Beacon, come on out next week.

I Love Burpees,

