The “plan” was for a 5-6 mile run at 0600 for pax who wanted that many miles (and to get up that early), or to show at 0645 for a 1-mile warm-up, or just show up at 0700 for a kettle bell workout 7-7:30, Mary from 7:30-7:45 then off to coffeteria.
YHC awoke around 0600 to the crashing of thunder and flickering of lightening, and texts from pax baling to the weather. But YHC could hear Zare getting water pre-workout, and YHC was committed to the co-Q, so outta the fartsack I popped, and let’s go make this happen before over eating all afternoon.
Zare and YHC arrived at 0645 to zero vehicles and pax at the LFC parking lot. A few moments later we were pleased to see Copperhead roll in. Haven’t seen him since school got so busy. He was excited to be there and we were excited to welcome back a Kotter.
The 3 of us took off on a hilly 1 mile standard, and when we returned there were three more vehicles. With 6 pax it was time to get after it and YHC knew it was time to step up and turn the co-Q into a repeato Q from Tuesdays Fallout since Enron was not present. We assume he was just still running…… (insert eye roll emoji)
39 minutes of burnin’ kb work then Mary and we finished up around 7:50ish.
If you want details, see the Fallout BB from two days earlier, but minus praying mantis, add helping hand and Turkish getup (compliments of Gambini).
Was solid work by the pax and YHC’s arms were shaky all day. Hope the pax reflected fondly on the morning through their days.