That Breeze Is Nice

Event Date

Sep 29, 2020

The rain held off and humidity held firm this fine fall day.  Fortunately for the PAX at BBBroga there was a nice breeze to make laying on spongy mats on the ground more comfortable.  4 PAX were on time and ready to walk, off we go.  A 5th PAX was waiting for as the walkers returned.  The stretching began.  A 6th PAX, whose attendance had been counted out, evened the numbers out at 6:45.  

  • Following up on last week's figure four leg lock discussion, Sonar is confident he could perform the manuveur, there were however no volunteers to participate in the experiment
  • Finkle speaks very highly of his mother-in-law, except the topic of using 'Organic' household cleaners…'s called water people!  Sonar offered to share some of his commercial cleaner, however forecast expenses are high to fumigate the area and refinish any surface it touches
  • Marker took up Hefty to meet early, they crushed the Pre-BBBroga Make-up Murph (it may become a standard)
  • Mater stayed with us until 7:15 on this special day, post workout conversations were necessary at SVU, and with the threat of no back blast credit he was forced made the choice to stick arouind.
  • Hefty encourages Finkle to cut to the chase after the longest game of "i know someone you know" that started with "a person…..that has a pulse….two arms and legs….".  The game was as long as my…….it was long.

Pleasure to lead, Namaste, Bertha