That is why you don’t put ham in Beef Stew…

It was a great day to break out the Slow Burn. To be clear, none of the Pax understood the reference. They did understand the pain though. This is what happened.


Slow WM x 12 IC

Dwight Shrutes x 12 IC

Runners Pose/Stretch R&L

IST x 12 iC

1 burpee OYO

The Slow Burn

All exercises from here would be a very slow 10 count, not locking out at the bottom and top of each rep. The pace was about 30 seconds per rep.

Deadlifts x 5

RDL x 5

LDL x 5

Squat x 5

Chest Press x 5

Skull Crusher x 5

Glute Bridge x 5

In & out x 5

Hollow Hold (Banana) x 5

Burner x 1

Recover Recover


All the Pax that did the workout were smoked by the end.

Christmas party is the first Friday in December

Prayers for The Force’s mom, POS’ mom, Cousin Eddy’s mom, and all the aging parents.

Until next time I SYITG


